
Welcome to Villasalto!

Hello everyone, I am happy to introduce you to Villasalto, a small municipality in Sardinia with just under a thousand inhabitants. The territory of this town is very interesting from a geographical point of view, and is a perfect destination for those who love nature and breathtaking landscapes.

Physical geography

Villasalto: the town of Sardinian nature and beauty.


Villasalto is a municipality located in the province of South Sardinia, precisely in the subregion of Gerrei. The town is situated at about 500 meters above sea level and is bathed by the Flumendosa river, which makes the area fertile and suitable for agriculture. The territory also extends towards the Salto di Quirra in the area called Barigau. To the south, the town borders Monte Genis, an area famous for its sources of pure water and excellent for consumption.

Flora and fauna

Villasalto is rich in plants such as holm oaks, olive trees, lentisks, strawberry trees and mushrooms. In addition, numerous animal species such as deer, golden eagles, falcons, wild boars and many others are present. A particular species that is preserved in the area is the Sardinian brook salamander, an amphibian that has decreased in numbers.

Origins of the name

The name Villasalto derives from the Latin "saltus" (countryside) and in Sardinian the town is called Biddesatu, which literally means "country village".

What to see in Villasalto

Monte Genis

Among the attractions not to be missed in Villasalto, Monte Genis is certainly one of them. Here you can find an impressive Nuragic site, consisting of a central tower and several crown towers. In addition, you can enjoy a spectacular view of the mountains of Ogliastra and Gennargentu to the north, all the way to the mountains of Cagliari to the south. Among the dense vegetation, you can also admire curious natural sculptures on the rocks, such as the eagle located near the top of the mountain.

Monte Lora

Another interesting mountain to visit is Monte Lora, where a suggestive sphinx formed by its limestone promontories can be found. From the top, you can enjoy a panoramic view of the surrounding area.


In the Villasalto area, there are also some caves, including "Sa Grutta Manna" or "Sa Grutta 'e Scusi", where you can admire a particular species of amphibian, the Sardinian brook salamander.


In conclusion, Villasalto is a village surrounded by nature and the beauties of Sardinia. If you love trekking, hiking, and photography, you will definitely find an unforgettable experience here. Come and visit this wonderful place and discover all its treasures!

Sara Esposito
Wrote by Sara Esposito
Updated Saturday, Sep 24, 2022