
Welcome to Quaderni, the hamlet of Villafranca di Verona!

If you are looking for a typical Italian village that is off the beaten track, then Quaderni might be for you. This hamlet of Villafranca di Verona is located near the Via Postumia and hides a series of cultural, sports, and gastronomic treasures worth discovering.


The history of Quaderni dates back to at least 1500 when it became an autonomous parish separating from the mother church of Villafranca. During World War II, the village became a place of anti-fascist resistance and hosted the partisans of the Brigata Italia. Today, the hamlet is a peaceful community that celebrates its history with pride.

Villafranca di Verona Notebooks: culture, sports and gastronomy in a village outside tourist circuits.


Music band and ''Majorettes''

One of Quaderni's most precious cultural treasures is its music band, active since the 1800s and composed of local musicians. The band has achieved success in Italy and abroad thanks to its varied and high-quality repertoire. In addition, during its concerts and parades, the band is accompanied by the Majorettes, a group of dancers who add elegance and lightness to the show.

The parish church of San Matteo

Another cultural gem of Quaderni is its parish church, dedicated to San Matteo. The church's interior was decorated by the artist Federico Bellomi with frescoes and fatty tempera, while the canvas paintings by the painter Dima Orando represent San Michele, San Raffaele, and Tobia. The famous work "Madonna col Bambino tra i santi Francesco e Luigi Gonzaga" is by the master Giovanni Ghirlandini. Furthermore, the church is famous for its unique sound of bells, performed with the concert of bells in the Veronese style composed of 5 pieces in Fa## 3.


If you love sports, Quaderni might be the right place for you. Since 1971 there is the Polisportiva Quaderni, a sports association managed by volunteers and supporters who organize sports competitions throughout the year. In addition, every June, there are tournaments of football, 5-a-side football, 7-a-side football, tennis, volleyball, basketball, cycling and other sports. Don't miss the opportunity to attend these intense competitions!

Furthermore, since 1960, the village has been home to a tamburello (sport) team called A.T. Belladelli Quaderni, which has won six consecutive national championships. In 2008, this record was beaten by US Callianetto, but the pride remains in the memory of its inhabitants. Finally, since 1974, the local football team, founded in 1952, is affiliated with the FIGC.


Let's move on to gastronomy, one of the most surprising revelations of Quaderni. Here you can taste the famous Puoti, doll-shaped sweets that every year, on December 13 (Saint Lucia's Day from Syracuse), are accompanied by gifts. These sweets are kneaded in the homes of its inhabitants and baked in the oven of the local bakery located in the main street (via Mazzini), whose owners are called "pistóri," a nickname derived from their activity as bakers.

In addition, a particular recipe called Sucói dei Quèrni (which means "zucchini of Quaderni") is a local specialty whose name cannot be explained with certainty. Let yourself be tempted by these delicious dishes!

We hope that this overview of Quaderni has pleased you and piqued your curiosity to visit this splendid village. Between culture, sports, and gastronomy, there is much to discover in this hamlet of Villafranca di Verona, and we are sure you will not regret it. We welcome you with open arms!

Alessandro Romano
Updated Wednesday, Dec 14, 2022