

Events and Traditions

Villabate is known for its patron saint festival held every year on February 5 in honor of St. Agatha, the protector of the town. During the festival, the statue of St. Agatha is carried in procession through the streets of the town while the band plays traditional Sicilian music.

In addition, in August the "Palio delle Contrade" takes place, a competition between the four historical districts of the town: Santa Maria, San Giuseppe, San Paolo and Santissimo Sacramento. The race consists of different tests such as sack racing, barrel racing and relay races. The event is highly anticipated and involves the entire community.


Villabate's cuisine is linked to the traditional Sicilian peasant tradition and offers simple but tasty dishes. Among the typical dishes are pasta with sardines, caponata, arancini and cannoli, the sweet symbol of Sicily.

In addition, the town is known for the production of high quality olive oil, thanks to its fertile soil and the care of local producers.

Villabate: Traditions, Cuisine, and Welcome

Welcome to Villabate

Villabate is a characteristic town in Sicily, rich in history, culture and traditions. Located just a few kilometers from Palermo, it offers visitors the opportunity to discover a lesser-known but equally fascinating reality.

The mild climate, the presence of monuments and places of interest, the good food and the traditional events make it an ideal destination for a vacation dedicated to culture and relaxation.

Come and discover Villabate, we will welcome you with open arms!

Marco Rossi
Wrote by Marco Rossi
Updated Sunday, Mar 27, 2022