
Welcome to Villa Minozzo: discovering the largest municipality in the province of Reggio Emilia

If you are looking for a small corner of paradise among the mountains of the Reggio Emilia Apennines, Villa Minozzo is definitely the place for you. This municipality, which has a population of around 3492 inhabitants, extends over a vast area and is the third largest in the province of Reggio Emilia.

Discover Villa Minozzo: between history, nature, and gastronomy in the province of Reggio Emilia.

Physical geography


Villa Minozzo is located on a panoramic hill, between the valleys of the Secchiello and Prampola streams. The territory extends from the Secchia valley to the 2121 meters of Mount Cusna and is almost entirely included in the Tosco-Emilian Apennine National Park.


The climate of Villa Minozzo is continental, with cold and snowy winters and cool and windy summers.

Origins of the name

The name "Villa Minozzo" derives from the Latin term "villa romana" and "Minozzo", perhaps related to the Melocio fortress existing in the town.



Numerous artifacts testify to human presence in this area since the Mesolithic era. In particular, a Roman necropolis was found near the village of San Bartolomeo.

Tito Livio and the wars against the Ligurians

According to the historian Tito Livio, the consul Marco Emilio Lepido crossed the Apennines passing through the territory of Villa Minozzo in the war against the Ligurian Friniati and Apuani.

What to see in Villa Minozzo

The historic center

The historic center of Villa Minozzo is a real gem, with its cobbled streets, stone houses and typical porticoes. Do not miss the church of Santa Maria Assunta.


The beauty of the surrounding nature is breathtaking. The municipality offers numerous opportunities for hiking or mountain biking, horseback riding and climbing routes. Do not miss Mount Cusna, the Bismantova stone and the Lake Santo modenese.


The culinary tradition of Villa Minozzo is rich and tasty. Among the typical dishes we mention the potato cake, homemade pasta with mushroom sauce, cotechino with beans and chisolino (typical pork product).


Villa Minozzo is an ideal destination for those seeking a break from the hectic city life and want to immerse themselves in the nature and history of the province of Reggio Emilia. Let me know if you have ever been there and what you think of this splendid municipality!

Chiara Russo
Wrote by Chiara Russo
Updated Monday, Oct 10, 2022