
Welcome to Castellano, a village with a farming past

Welcome to Castellano, a hamlet of the municipality of Villa Lagarina located on the eastern ridge of the Monte Stivo-Monte Bondone range at an altitude of 789 meters above sea level. The village still preserves evidence of its farming past, such as the courtyard houses, ancient portals, and balconies. The village has about 650 inhabitants and, in the valley section, is the highest village on the Right Adige.

The history of Castellano

The locality probably owes its name to the Castello di Castellano on the southeast boundary of the village, built on a rocky spur protruding from a small plateau. In 1767, it was decided to build the new church on the very spot where it stands now. The village was one of the main centers of the Feudo of Castellano and Castelnuovo, under the regency of the counts Lodron, called Castellano and Castelnuovo.

English: The rustic hamlet with a view of the Vallagarina.

How to reach Castellano

To reach Castellano, take the provincial road towards Lake Cei S.P. 20. From the junction at Villa Lagarina, take the uphill road, pass through the Molini di Nogaredo and turn right towards Pedersano. After Pedersano, the road continues uphill with wide hairpin bends, passing by the chapel of Madonna dei Zengi and shortly after arriving at the plateau of Castellano, 789 meters above sea level. It takes about 20 minutes or 14 km from Rovereto, while it is 10 km from the Rovereto Nord motorway exit.

The population of Castellano

The first mention of Castellano dates back to around 1190 and the population was just over 100 in 1339. The old Cemetery Church (dedicated to San Lorenzo now S. Maria delle Grazie) already existed inside the castle. From that date, the population continued to grow until 1911, when there were 1170 people in Castellano. Despite various diseases and epidemics, the population has always increased, and there have been periods of emigration to the valley floor and to America.

Breathtaking panorama

From Castellano, you can admire the entire Vallagarina and the course of the Adige River. The landscape is breathtaking, and the view is worth the visit. Moreover, from the village, you can also undertake numerous hiking and cycling excursions to admire the natural beauty of the area.


Castellano is a small Trentino village that maintains the rustic face of its farming past. Its ancient houses, despite being renovated, still preserve evidence of the past. With a breathtaking view of the entire Vallagarina and the course of the Adige River, it is an ideal place for nature lovers and hikers. If you want to discover a bit of the rural soul of Trentino, Castellano is the perfect place to do it.

Luca Bianchi
Wrote by Luca Bianchi
Updated Friday, Jun 17, 2022