Villa di Chiavenna

A beautiful introduction to Villa di Chiavenna

Hello friends! Today I want to talk to you about a beautiful Italian municipality located in Val Bregaglia, Lombardy. I'm talking about Villa di Chiavenna! This municipality has a population of around 950 people and is crossed by the Mera River, which creates an artificial basin that feeds a hydroelectric power plant. But let me tell you something about the history of Villa di Chiavenna.

Cultivating history

According to history, in 612 the Irish missionary and abbot Saint Columbanus crossed the Passo del Settimo and passed through Villa di Chiavenna during his mission to evangelize the Alemanni in Switzerland. Later, the municipality was created by the Grisons in 1584 and was divided from Piuro on December 10, 1608. In 1797, the municipality was forced to join the Cisalpine Republic by Napoleon's army, although it was not very happy about being separated from Switzerland. The coat of arms and flag of Villa di Chiavenna were granted by decree of the president of the Republic on April 9, 2008. The flag is a white banner.

Villa di Chiavenna: history and beauties of a Lombard municipality.

Socio-demographic data of Villa di Chiavenna

Villa di Chiavenna has undergone demographic changes over the years. However, it remains a fascinating and interesting place to visit. Now, let's move on to some administrative data of the Municipality.


If you are a politics enthusiast and want to know the secrets of the Municipality, then I recommend you take a look at information about its administration.

An incredible image gallery

And if you're like me, you love to admire beautiful landscapes, I recommend taking a look at the fantastic image gallery of the Municipality. You can admire the splendid panoramas of the mountains, the Mera River, and its surroundings. Don't miss the Pos de Chent, the Villan Dam, and the Pian della Cà hamlet.


I could go on talking about the castle, monuments, and churches of this city, but my space is limited. I suggest you visit Villa di Chiavenna as soon as possible to admire all the beauties I talked about. If you want to see Villa di Chiavenna live, I suggest you visit the Municipality's website and check for upcoming events. I'm sure you'll fall in love with this city as much as I did. Have a great trip!

Paola Santoro
Wrote by Paola Santoro
Updated Saturday, Oct 29, 2022