Villa del Conte

Welcome to Villa del Conte, in Venetia!

Villa del Conte is an Italian municipality located in the heart of the Venetian region, within the province of Padua. With a population of 5,468, Villa del Conte is a small town, but rich in history, monuments, and places of interest. In this article, we will show you some of the attractions that this delightful town has to offer.

The geography of Villa del Conte

The territory of Villa del Conte is flat and crossed by various rivers. Among these rivers, the most important are the Tergola, the Piovego di Villabozza, the Ghebo Mussato, the Orcone, and the Vandura. In particular, the Tergola has been of great importance for the development of the town, as it allowed transportation by water to Venice.

Villa del Conte: history, monuments and places of interest in Veneto

The history of Villa del Conte

Traces of Roman presence can still be found in Villa del Conte, thanks to various archaeological discoveries. However, the more recent history of Villa del Conte is related to the two world wars. During the First World War, the town suffered many losses, and following the Second World War, it was the scene of a brutal massacre by the Nazi-fascist regime. In Villa del Conte, there are various monuments that commemorate these tragic events, including the Monument to the Fallen and the monument to Abbazia Pisani.


Furthermore, it is important to note that Villa del Conte has received several honors following the two world wars, in recognition of the sacrifice and courage of its citizens.

Monuments and places of interest in Villa del Conte

One of the most valuable monuments in Villa del Conte is the church of San Massimo, located in Borghetto. This church probably dates back to the 10th-11th century and represents a masterpiece of Romanesque art. Inside, you can admire numerous frescoes and an extraordinary wooden statue of the Risen Christ.

The parish church of Saints Giuseppe and Giuliana is another important monument in Villa del Conte. This splendid 18th-century church was designed by the then-priest, Don Giuseppe Carrara, and is characterized by a Latin cross and a single nave architecture. Inside, there are frescoes by important Venetian artists such as Palma il Giovane and Nicola Grassi. In addition, the church has two organs, one of which dates back to 1839.

Finally, in Villa del Conte, there are also numerous monuments that commemorate the role played by its citizens during the two world wars. For example, the monument to the Bersagliere of Via Carrara, donated by Professor Romeo Sandrin, is a beautiful sculpture that commemorates the soldiers who fought for the freedom of the country.


In conclusion, Villa del Conte is a municipality within the province of Padua that represents an important place rich in history and monuments. The town has been marked by the two world wars, but its beauty and culture remind us that hope and solidarity are always stronger than war and violence. If you come to Villa del Conte, you will not fail to pay your respects to its monuments and admire the majesty of its architecture.

Ludovica Neri
Wrote by Ludovica Neri
Updated Thursday, Dec 15, 2022