Villa del Bosco

Villa del Bosco: a Piedmontese town worth discovering

Hello everyone! Today I want to talk about Villa del Bosco, a small town in the province of Biella, Piedmont. With its 315 inhabitants, Villa del Bosco is a quiet and picturesque place, immersed in nature and rich in history and culture.

Physical geography

The town is located in the Rovasenda valley and is composed of three parts: the main area, where the capital is located, the hamlet of Ferracane and the administrative island of Orbello. The latter can only be reached by crossing the municipality of Sostegno, in the hamlet of Casa del Bosco.

Villa del Bosco: a Piedmontese municipality between history and nature.


The history of Villa del Bosco dates back to the Middle Ages, when the territory was divided into various feudal lordships. Over the centuries, the municipality has experienced various dominations, leaving important traces in local culture and architecture.


The symbol of Villa del Bosco is the municipal coat of arms, which represents two crossed chestnut trees on a green background, symbol of the importance of forests in the life of the town.

Monuments and places of interest

Villa del Bosco is a town rich in monuments and places of interest, which testify to its history and culture.

Religious architectures

The parish church of San Lorenzo is one of the oldest monuments in Villa del Bosco. Erected as an autonomous parish in the 1500s, it used to depend on that of Sostegno. The church houses important works of art, such as a 17th-century altarpiece and an 18th-century mechanical organ.

Military architectures

The castle of Villa del Bosco is one of the most evident testimonies of the medieval history of the municipality. Its presence is documented since 1431, and today it is privately owned.

Natural areas

Villa del Bosco is surrounded by lush and wild nature, offering many opportunities for excursions and walks. Among the most important natural areas in the municipality are the monumental trees near the cemetery, including a majestic centuries-old chestnut tree.


The municipality of Villa del Bosco has about 315 inhabitants, and its population is stable and peaceful.

Demographic evolution

The municipality of Villa del Bosco has undergone few demographic variations over the years. In 2019, the population was 315, with a density of 51.8 inhabitants per square kilometer.


The municipality of Villa del Bosco is governed by a mayor and a municipal council. Over the years, different administrations have succeeded, working to improve the lives of citizens and enhance local resources.

Other administrative information

Villa del Bosco was part of the union of municipalities of the Collinare Community between Baraggia and Bramaterra, which was responsible for managing public services and promoting the development of the territory.


And here we are at the end of my presentation on Villa del Bosco. I hope I have made you better acquainted with this Piedmontese town, which is definitely worth a visit. If you have the opportunity to visit this enchanted capital, where nature and history merge into a harmonious and picturesque whole, do not hesitate. See you soon!

Andrea Fontana
Updated Thursday, Jan 12, 2023