Villa Celiera

Welcome to Villa Celiera: a haven of peace in the Abruzzo nature

If you are looking for a place to reconnect with nature, far away from the chaos of the city, then you have found your ideal destination: Villa Celiera. This small Abruzzo municipality, situated in the province of Pescara and nestled in the Gran Sasso and Monti della Laga National Park, is the perfect place to relax, take long walks and enjoy the breathtaking view of the surrounding mountains.

Discovering the physical geography of Villa Celiera

The territory of Villa Celiera is a karst mountain basin, characterized by the presence of large beech trees and dolines. Here, water is absorbed and conveyed through underground paths, creating a unique and suggestive scenario. During winter, snow falls heavily and in the following spring, numerous small karst lakes can be admired. Among them, the famous Lago Sfondo stands out, which, according to popular belief, has no bottom and is directly connected to the sea.

Not only nature, but also the fauna is particularly abundant in the area. Among the animals present, we can include the Abruzzo chamois, the buzzard, the peregrine falcon, the roe deer, the Apennine wolf and the wildcat. In the past, even the bear populated these areas.

Villa Celiera: nature, fauna, and a millennia-old history.

The history of Villa Celiera

Villa Celiera has a very interesting history. The country developed as a Longobard castrum in the 6th century, when many inhabitants of Bertona fled from Byzantine invasions. In the 9th century, the fiefdom became a "fara" dependent on the diocese of Penne. In 1191, Countess Margherita di Loreto Aprutino granted the Benedictine monks the foundation of the first Casanova cenobio, which later became the seat of the Cistercians. Over time, the monastery of Casanova became very powerful in the territory and had fiefs in different cities of Abruzzo.

In 1268, with the advent of Charles I of Anjou in the Kingdom of Naples, the Cistercians of Casanova were placed under the jurisdiction of the bishops of Penne, Gualtiero and Giacomo. The monastery flourished during this period, but then lost increasingly prestige until its suppression in 1807.

Visiting Villa Celiera

Today, Villa Celiera is a municipality of 554 inhabitants that knows how to maintain its ancient charm intact. The country is an excellent starting point for excursions in the surrounding nature and to discover the treasures of the Gran Sasso and Monti della Laga National Park.

Do not miss the opportunity to visit this small haven of peace in the heart of Abruzzo and let yourself be conquered by the unspoiled nature and the millenary history of Villa Celiera.

Andrea Giordano
Updated Thursday, Jul 28, 2022