
The Vigolzone Castle: a journey into the Middle Ages

The Vigolzone Castle is an impressive medieval fortress located in the capital of the homonymous municipality, in the province of Piacenza. The building is situated on the west side of the town and dominates the beautiful Po Valley, not far from the first hills of the Ligurian Apennines.


The first news about the presence of a castle dates back to 1095, when Lantelmo Confalonieri was invested as a vassal of the Bishop of Piacenza Aldo and captain of the Piacenza in the First Crusade. However, the fortunes of this construction were fluctuating: in 1242, Enzo di Svevia conquered it and, after two years, ordered it to be razed to the ground. The result was the preservation only of a round tower and a few underground walls of the ancient castrum.

In 1330, the building was rebuilt ex-novo by Bernardo Anguissola, a cavalry general in the pay of Galeazzo I Visconti. In 1414, Pietro, Bernardo's nephew, received the investiture of the castle. Giovanni Carlo Anguissola, founder's nephew and writer, organized a grammar school in the fortress in the fifteenth century.

The castle was then involved in various battles and suffered numerous sieges, including that of 1483 by Ludovico il Moro's troops. In 1511, the ownership of the castle was split among the members of the Anguissola family, which was besieged by troops in the service of Odet de Foix in 1517.

On October 23, 1521, near the castle, a bloody battle was fought between the French forces and the Piacenza forces. The latter, led by the counts Jacopo Dal Verme and Giacomo Anguissola, came off worse. Trivulzio himself forced Count Gian Giacomo Anguissola, fleeing from Piacenza, to take refuge in the castle, which was then surrounded by siege until Trivulzio was obliged to leave the area by Gian Giacomo Pisarone.

In 1888, the poet Giosuè Carducci visited the castle and in his poem dedicated to the Piacenza-born Elvira Boselli, he shared his admiration for this fascinating and historic building.

The Castle of Vigolzone: medieval history and architecture.

Architecture and interiors

The Vigolzone Castle, dating back to the fourteenth century, maintains the structure and pattern of classic medieval fortifications. It appears as a square-shaped building, with four high five-story towers and perimeter walls enclosing the central courtyard, currently used as a garden.

Inside the castle, it is possible to admire precious frescoes with scenes from the life of Saint John the Baptist and some decorations dating back to the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. In the courtyard, on the other hand, visitors can come across a beautiful stone cistern dating back to the sixteenth century.

Despite the many vicissitudes, the castle has been restored several times and today hosts a series of valuable cultural and musical events, as well as a refreshment point for tourists.

Visit and curiosities

The Vigolzone Castle, already visited by the famous poet Giosuè Carducci, is open to the public. It is possible to book guided tours and visit the internal rooms of the construction, enjoy the beautiful panoramic view and admire the ancient central courtyard, currently used as a garden.

The Vigolzone Castle was used as a film location in 1983 for the film adaptation of Italo Calvino's novel "Baron in the Trees." In the film, directed by Marco Bellocchio, the castle is depicted as the home of the Malaspina family.

In addition, the Vigolzone Castle has been chosen by numerous couples as a location for their wedding and for exclusive events such as birthday parties and graduation parties.

In summary, the Vigolzone Castle represents a treasure of history and culture of the city of Vigolzone, sending a message of great medieval charm and a great image of the past, which has been skillfully preserved to this day.

Fabio Marino
Wrote by Fabio Marino
Updated Tuesday, Jun 7, 2022