
Tavo: a geographical fraction in the province of Padua

Hello everyone! Today I will talk to you about Tavo, a geographical fraction of the Italian municipality of Vigodarzere, located in the province of Padua, in the Veneto region.

Physical geography

Tavo is located at the northwestern extremity of the municipal territory, on the left bank of the Brenta River. The Piovego canal, which runs through the area, divides it from Santa Maria di Non di Curtarolo.

Tavo: discover the history and beauty of this Venetian hamlet.


The name Tavo derives from the Latin numeral "octavu", which indicates a location located eight Roman miles from the city of Padua, probably along the path of the road that followed the course of the Brenta River. In fact, it is thought that the name has a connection with that of the nearby Santa Maria di Non, called "ad nonum" or "nine miles away". The name Tavo is first attested to in 1117 as "Otavo or Octavo".

Monuments and places of interest

Parish Church of San Pietro

One of the most important monuments in Tavo is the Parish Church of San Pietro. According to the papal tithe of 1297, there were two chapels in the area: that of San Pietro "de Octavo", dependent on the parish of Curtarolo, and that of San Fidenzio "de Fornace", linked to the parish of Torre, in Padua. Over time, the church of San Pietro has been expanded: in 1912 it was completely rebuilt and consecrated in 1936. The bell tower was erected between 1938 and 1942. Inside there are frescoes, paintings with the stations of the Cross and a painting depicting the Madonna with Saints Peter and Fidenzio.

Villa Mussato, Farini, Morosinotto

Another place of interest is Villa Mussato, Farini, Morosinotto. It is located in the center of the fraction, at the corner of via Fornace and via Chiesa, and consists of a manor house and an annex at the back. The oldest part of the complex dates back to the thirteenth century, while the noble palace was added in the sixteenth century, becoming the holiday home of the Mussato family. Subsequently, the Farini and Morosinotto families followed, owners of the annex first and then of the entire complex. The main facade of the villa overlooks the Brenta River, while the rear one is almost entirely devoid of openings. The arrangement of the windows follows a very regular architecture and in the center of the building there is a clock.


So here are the main information about Tavo, a very interesting geographical fraction to visit in the province of Padua. The area offers a mix of nature, history and monuments that make it an excellent destination for a day trip. If you are looking for a quiet and suggestive place, Tavo is definitely the right choice!

Ludovica Neri
Wrote by Ludovica Neri
Updated Thursday, Dec 29, 2022