
Historical Notes on Saletto

An Italian Hamlet

Saletto is a hamlet of the Municipality of Vigodarzere, in Veneto. Its origin seems to date back to a Salix forest, but it could also derive from the term Sala (Longobards), which in Lombard language indicated an administrative center. Saletto, beyond the Brenta river, was thus called to distinguish it from Saletto di Montagnana, currently Saletto di Borgo Veneto.

The Parish of San Silvestro

A church in Saletto is documented since the 12th century and the most precise information dates back to 1297, when the church of San Silvestro was among the ten chapels depending on the Pieve di Torre. The current bell tower dates back to 1858 and the church was deeply renewed between 1867 and 1876, followed by further interventions during the 20th century.

Currently, the church houses a painting with the Deposition of Jesus, a 17th-century copy of the work created by Niccolò Frangipane in 1593 for the Frari Basilica. An 19th-century painting of the presbytery depicting Saints Silvestro, Anthony of Padua, and Saint Justina is also noteworthy. The altarpiece of the Education of the Virgin, created by Bernardino Palazzi in 1925, adorns the altar.

The decorations of the ceiling belong to Giovanni Vianello, the most renowned Paduan artist of the early 20th century. On the ceiling, two panels represent respectively San Silvestro in prayer and Pope Leo XIII at the feet of the Virgin with Child and saints; on the intrados, the four roundels with the evangelists bear the inscription "November 1900". Thanks to recent restorations, completed in 2015, the traces of the 18th-century decorations of the ceiling and presbytery have emerged.

Saletto: history, art, and historic villas

Villa Trevisan, Romanin, Gomiero

The villa is located in the heart of the hamlet, delimited by via Marconi and via da Vinci and is attested since 1544, when it was owned by Antonio and Pantaleon Trevisan. In 1685, by marriage, it passed to the Pisani family, then back to the Trevisan until 1809 when it was acquired by Lorenzo Memmo. Later owned by the Romanin, today it belongs to the Gomiero.

The most interesting component of the complex is represented by the main building, a square-shaped building crowned by a central elevation with a triangular tympanum. This element determines the symmetry of the main front - to the south - which is set on seven axes, with the central passage illuminated by the linteled portal and a couple of windows on each side; even the side rooms have a double window.


Saletto is a locality rich in history and monuments of interest, such as the parish of San Silvestro and Villa Trevisan, Romanin, Gomiero. The church represents an important place of worship for the community, while the villa is an example of historical architecture that testifies to the events of the family that inhabited it. A visit to Saletto is an opportunity to discover a bit of Venetian history and art, thanks to the beauty available to tourists and enthusiasts.

Ludovica Neri
Wrote by Ludovica Neri
Updated Thursday, Dec 29, 2022