
Discovering Vigodàrzere

Welcome to the city of Vigodàrzere, located in a strategic area of the province of Padua, in Veneto. Together we will explore the origin of its name and its fascinating history. We will then travel through its monuments and places of interest, including beautiful churches and elegant villas. Finally, we will take a look at the demographic statistics and anthropic geography that characterizes Vigodàrzere.

Origins of the Name

The name "Vigodàrzere" means "village on the embankment" or "fortified village". The origin of the name can be easily explained by the village's location on the Brenta river, which offers natural protection thanks to the Brenta and Muson dei Sassi rivers.

Vigodàrzere: history, monuments and hospitality.


The history of Vigodàrzere is closely linked to military strategy. The toponym appears for the first time as a location of Roman presence in the Patavine territory, where a military guard station was built in Padua, protected by a garrison. The location was ideally defended by the Brenta and Muson dei Sassi rivers. The presence of military garrisons was frequent, and sometimes we refer to this strategy with the aforementioned expressions.

Moreover, Vigodàrzere has a very interesting history. An episode dating back to 1736 tells of a soldier who had stolen a girl and who, finding himself in the surrounding territory of Vigodàrzere, made her fall into the water from his horse and the girl drowned. According to legend, the girl is still present in these places, and the presence of spirits and ghosts has been confirmed by various locals.

Monuments and Places of Interest

Vigodàrzere has a very important history and is rich in monuments and places of interest. Among the religious architecture, the Certosa of Vigodàrzere is certainly one of the most beautiful, with a complex built in the 15th century. The Church of San Martino was completed at the end of the 19th century and dedicated to St. Martin of Tours. The Church of Sant'Antonio da Padova is located in the Terraglione fraction, built in the early part of the 20th century in a neo-Romanesque architecture.

Among the civil architecture, Villa Farini-Brezzo dates back to the 17th century. Villa Marin-Zusto-Vendramin, built in the 16th century, Villa Mussato-Farini-Morosinotto, from the 14th-18th century, was the rural residence of the Mussato Venetian patrician family. Villa Nardi, Villa Trevisan-Pisani-Romanin, and Villa Tron-Giacomelli-Asti complete the list of the most interesting villas.


The population of Vigodàrzere is 13,082 inhabitants and the city has experienced constant demographic growth in recent years. It is a very welcoming city thanks to the presence of few inhabitants and the commitment of the locals to creating a friendly and familiar atmosphere.

Anthropogenic Geography

Vigodàrzere is located in a flat area near the Brenta river, nestled to the north of the city of Padua. Due to its location, the village is considered the last outpost for the protection of the underlying city. Vigodàrzere borders several cities belonging to the hinterland of Padua, including Campodarsego, Curtarolo, and San Giorgio delle Pertiche.

In conclusion, Vigodàrzere is a city with a special charm, rich in history and monuments but at the same time welcoming and familiar. Its strategic location makes it a point of reference for anyone who wants to visit the province of Padua.

Ludovica Neri
Wrote by Ludovica Neri
Updated Thursday, Dec 29, 2022