
Welcome to Vignate!

Hello everyone! Today I want to introduce you to Vignate, a small municipality in the metropolitan city of Milan in Lombardy. Vignate is a place with ancient roots and a fascinating history that is worth discovering. So, join me on this journey to discover the history, monuments and places of interest in Vignate.

Discover Vignate: history, monuments and springs in the metropolitan city of Milan.

The History of Vignate

The Origin of the Name

The name Vignate comes from the Latin term "vineo" (vineyard) and the Celtic suffix "-aite" (place, district), but it is not the only possibility. What is certain is that Vignate is a municipality with Roman origins, as evidenced by the layout of the historic centre. The municipality owes its name to the typical cultivation of vines, which were abundant in the area before the arrival of phylloxera.

The History of Vignate

Vignate first appears in a notarial act dated May 25, 776. In 1678, upon the death of Count Antonio Teodoro Trivulzio, the Vignanese Community paid 4,074 lire to the Spanish government for the redemption from feudal bonds, distinguishing itself from neighbouring municipalities, which instead were enfeoffed. In 1691, Vignate definitively freed itself from feudal bonds. Today, Vignate is part of the Martesana-Adda homogeneous area of the metropolitan city of Milan.

The Coat of Arms of Vignate

The coat of arms of Vignate is composed of two parts: in the upper truncated part, the effigy of Saint Ambrose, patron saint of Vignate; in the lower truncated part, the figure of the grapevine branch with three bunches of grapes, symbolising the municipality's ancient agricultural character.

Monuments and Places of Interest

Religious Architecture

Among the most important monuments of Vignate, the Church of Sant'Ambrogio stands out, already present in the 12th century and subsequently renovated. Inside the church, there are 14 Lombard school canvases from the 18th century depicting the Via Crucis, an oil painting from the 17th century depicting Carlo Borromeo in pontifical attire, and a wooden crucifix from the first half of the 16th century. The church also houses a large restored organ with 17 registers dating from 2002. Another important monument is the Oratory of San Biagio, very ancient and with a 16th-century painting depicting the Madonna with Saints Biagio and Rocco. Finally, there is the Oratory of the Nativity of Santa Maria located in Cascina Retenate.

The Springs

The territory of Vignate is crossed by the Risorgiva, and many springs are still present in the area. One of these is the Vedano Spring, located south of the railway station. During the works for the doubling of the high-speed rail track, the head of the spring was completely rebuilt, shortening it by about 15 meters, so much so that the head has water only through an electric pump.

Other Monuments

There is the painting of San Sebastiano and San Rocco by the painter Sergio Turle, on the outside wall of the Corte dei Sciuri in via Vittorio Veneto. This fresco is presumed to have been made at the end of the 16th century on the occasion of the great plague of San Carlo that struck Milan and the Milanese countryside.


Vignate is a municipality with a rich and interesting history. Thanks to its location in the metropolitan city of Milan, it is possible to visit the city and its attractions quickly and enjoy the beauty of the municipality during moments of relaxation. If you have the opportunity to visit Vignate, do not miss a visit to the Church of Sant'Ambrogio and admire the springs present in the area.

Elisa Lombardi
Updated Friday, Apr 1, 2022