
Welcome to Vignanello! Let's discover this enchanting municipality in the heart of Lazio

If you're looking for a peaceful place to relax and enjoy the beauty of nature, Vignanello is the place for you! Located in the province of Viterbo, the municipality has approximately 4,261 inhabitants and is surrounded by the picturesque mountains of Monti Cimini.

Let's discover the physical geography of Vignanello

The surrounding landscape is characterized by deep valleys and small streams, called "fossi". These are named after their point of origin, such as "fosso di Cenciano", "fosso di Puliano", "fosso di Zangola" and "Fosso delle Chiare Fontane". Additionally, the presence of volcanoes like Cimino and Vico has given rise to a vast and varied range of rocks, including red lithoid tuff, peperino and white tuff from Fabrica. This incredible geology has contributed to the creation of a breathtaking landscape, which remains one of Vignanello's strengths.

Vignanello: nature, history and local cuisine in the heart of Lazio.

The climate in Vignanello

Classified as zone D with the code 2076 GR/G in the climate classification system, Vignanello enjoys a temperate Mediterranean climate with hot and dry summers and mild and rainy winters.

The history of Vignanello

A human settlement dating back to the Upper Paleolithic and Mesolithic (90,000 - 30,000 years ago) was located in the abandoned town of Cenciano, where Homo Sapiens Sapiens easily found shelter in the natural tuff caves present throughout the town. Thanks to the awareness and investments of Prince Alessandro Ruspoli, VII Prince of Cerveteri, in the first twenty years of the twentieth century, archaeological excavations were carried out by the Soprintendenza alle Antichità. These led to the identification of a significant Faliscan center (8th-7th century BC) in the territory of present-day Vignanello, on the Molesino plateau. Here there was a busy urban complex with an adjoining necropolis near the adjacent Valle del Fosso della Cupa. 16 square chamber hypogeum tombs and some valuable artifacts now preserved at the Etruscan National Museum of Villa Giulia in Rome were found.

The surrounding countryside is filled with pre-Roman tombs with similar characteristics. There is no clear evidence of the development of the inhabited center with the advent of the Roman era, however, the legend recounted in the verses of Giuseppe Manini suggests that in AD 410, following the descent along the Italian peninsula of Alaric I at the head of the Visigoths, "the people fleeing from the sack of Rome took refuge in the rugged and impervious territory of the Cimini hills, penetrating into the thick woods". A "vicus" concentrated there between the Zangola and della Cupa streams, where the community found sustenance in the presence of game and numerous sources of water. It is from this period that the origin of the name Vignanello could date back.

The beauty of Vignanello

Vignanello is a hidden gem in the heart of Lazio. This charming municipality offers a wide range of activities for anyone looking for relaxation and fun. If you love walking in nature, the surrounding valleys and mountains offer numerous hiking trails. You can also visit the ancient Ruspoli castle, whose inner courtyard houses some of the most beautiful baroque fountains in Italy. Other attractions include the Museum of the Confraternity of Santa Maria delle Rose, where you can admire artisanal artifacts and religious artworks, and the Church of Sant'Antonio Abate, rich in baroque decorations.

The cuisine of Vignanello

You can't visit Vignanello without trying the delicious local specialties! Vignanello's cuisine presents many influences from Mediterranean countries, and traditional recipes are prepared with fresh and genuine ingredients. The local bread, called "pane di Vignanello", is highly appreciated for its crispiness and unique aromas. Don't miss the opportunity to taste the locally produced goat's cheese, perfect to enjoy with a glass of typical red wine from the area.


In summary, Vignanello is a charming place where you can relax and enjoy the beauty of nature, immersing yourself in the history of the territory and discovering the delicious local specialties. If you're planning a visit to Vignanello, don't hesitate to contact us for more information or suggestions. We're waiting for you in this corner of paradise in the heart of Lazio!

Andrea Fontana
Updated Saturday, Sep 24, 2022