
Exploring Viggiano, the Town of Music and Black Gold

Welcome to Viggiano, a town in the heart of the Basilicata region, Italy, with a population of 3,310 inhabitants. Viggiano is mainly known for its long musical tradition and as a center for oil extraction. In this summary, we will explore the physical geography, culture, and most famous tourist activities of the town.

Physical Geography

The territory of Viggiano extends along the western ridge of the Val d'Agri in the southwestern part of the region and includes the hydrographic basin of the Alli and Casale streams, two left tributaries of the Agri River. The Alli stream - the only perennial watercourse in the area - originates at an altitude of 1,387 meters near the Fountain of the Shepherds, and along its course, the ruins of the mills built to exploit the power of its waters are still visible. The Casale stream, located on the southwestern slope of Mount Sant'Enoc, is instead a wide and pebbly riverbed, completely dry during the dry season.

The northern part of Viggiano's territory is occupied by the Sacro Monte, which includes the peak at an altitude of 1,725 meters where the Sanctuary of the Black Madonna of the Sacro Monte di Viggiano is located. Along the slopes of the mountain, there are the Viggiano ski resort, Bonocore Plain, and the Fountain of Shepherds. The mountain, covered by vast forest and easily reachable, is a significant point for winter tourism enthusiasts and lovers of walks and open-air excursions.

Viggiano: Between Music and Black Gold of Basilicata

Folk Music

Viggiano is known for its long tradition of folk music and harp building. Over the centuries, many itinerant players from Viggiano have exported their music and traditions worldwide, becoming members of international symphony orchestras. This unique musical tradition has brought many cultural and economic opportunities to the country and has made Viggiano one of the most famous places for folk music in Italy.

The Sanctuary of the Black Madonna of the Sacro Monte di Viggiano

The Sanctuary of the Black Madonna of the Sacro Monte di Viggiano is one of the most important centers of spirituality and Marian faith in southern Italy. Its construction dates back to the medieval period and has been expanded and renovated over the centuries. The Sanctuary is now very popular among pilgrims and has been included in the list of UNESCO World Heritage sites.

Black Gold

Viggiano is also known as a place of oil extraction and for the presence of the largest onshore oil field in Europe. Oil production has been an important source of income for the country and has largely contributed to making Italy the sixth oil producer in Europe. Numerous sources of oil can be found along Viggiano's territory, and many visitors love to get to know these sources and learn about Viggiano's history and economy.


In summary, Viggiano is a town with a unique cultural and tourist heritage. Its musical history gives the city a special atmosphere, while the Sanctuary of the Black Madonna of the Sacro Monte di Viggiano and the numerous natural areas around the town provide a unique spiritual and natural experience. In addition, the oil industry has given the country an important economic opportunity that has made Viggiano a much-loved destination for tourists. Come and visit Viggiano and discover more about the black gold of Basilicata and the unique musical culture of this country. We are waiting for you!

Antonio Bruno
Wrote by Antonio Bruno
Updated Tuesday, Sep 20, 2022