
Welcome to Vidigulfo!

Hello everyone! Today I'll be talking to you about Vidigulfo, a small town in eastern Lombardy with a population of around 6,500. Vidigulfo is located in a flat area between the Olona and Southern Lambro rivers, and has been known since the 8th century as "Vicus Lodulfi" (later called "Vigudulfum") thanks to an ancient Lombard landowner named Lodulfo. If you want to learn more about the city's history, keep reading!

The history of Vidigulfo

Over the centuries, Vidigulfo was subject to local lords and disputes between the cities of Pavia and Milan. During this time, the city was also a small ecclesiastical seat belonging to the diocese of Pavia. In 1329, Emperor Louis IV gave the fief of Vidigulfo to the Landriani family in recognition of their services and loyalty to the Emperor. The Landriani family maintained their power until the abolition of feudalism, and the city later came under the control of the Certosa di Pavia.

In the 18th century, Vidigulfo was part of the Milanese territory and in 1786 was annexed to the province of Pavia. In 1842, the municipality of Vidigulfo merged with that of Pontelungo, and after a few years, also with the municipalities of Cavagnera, Mandrino, and Vairano Pavese.

Discover the charming Vidigulfo: history, symbols and attractions!

Symbols of the city

The coat of arms of Vidigulfo was granted in 1940 and is inspired by the Landriani family's coat of arms, while the flag, granted in 1974, is blue.

What to visit in Vidigulfo

If you're curious to discover the points of interest in Vidigulfo, here's a list of some of the most important monuments and attractions:

Castle of the Landriani

Built in the 14th century, the Castle of the Landriani is located in the city center and was built from the remains of an older fortress. The facade of the building is very suggestive and hosts frescoes dating back to the 15th century.

Church of the Holy Trinity

The Church of the Holy Trinity was constructed in a very particular style and hosts various works of art and decorations dating back to the 18th and 19th centuries.

Monument to the Fallen

The Monument to the Fallen was erected in honor of the soldiers who lost their lives in the wars of the 20th century. It is located in Piazza San Pietro, in the city center.

The old bridge of Vidigulfo

The Old Bridge of Vidigulfo crosses the Olona River and is still used today as a passage point for pedestrians and cyclists. It is a suggestive point from which to admire the surrounding landscape.


I hope you enjoyed learning more about the history and attractions of Vidigulfo. Despite being a small town, Vidigulfo offers many interesting places to visit and is a great destination for a day trip. The next time you feel like discovering something new, why not visit Vidigulfo?

Matteo Ferrari
Updated Saturday, Dec 31, 2022