Vico Canavese

Discovering the Municipality of Vico Canavese

Hello everyone! Today I want to tell you about Vico Canavese, a small municipality in Valchiusella, Piedmont, which has recently given birth to the new municipality of Valchiusa together with Meugliano and Trausella.

Physical Geography

The town of Vico Canavese is nestled between the first slopes of Torretta delle Cime, right in the center of Valchiusella. Surrounded by large meadows, as we move upwards we encounter forests where chestnut and birch trees prevail. The municipality's territory is enriched by three hamlets: Novareglia, Drusacco, and Inverso. Although isolated, the latter is an important point of reference for the inhabitants, so much so that it is still linked through ancient bonds that guaranteed the use of pastures.

Vico Canavese: between nature and history.

Historical Memories

The history of Vico Canavese is closely linked to that of Valchiusella, and the parish church of San Giovanni Battista, the patron saint of the church, is a testament to it. It was built in the 17th century and was expanded in the following centuries. Its façade and the decorations in the three internal aisles testify to the style of the era. Furthermore, the stone bell tower, of Romanesque style, with three levels of large bifores, stands next to the apse.

The Municipality Palace, instead, is rich in history and symbols. In fact, a plaque with the symbols of the square, compass, and trowel, recalls the contribution given by the bourgeois representatives of the liberal professions to the Carbonari uprisings of 1821. The old houses, renovated without betraying the typical features of the architecture of the Upper Canavese, represent a cultural and artistic heritage that must not be forgotten. The old cobbled streets, moreover, are frequently crossed by typical "voton", short underpasses with a barrel vault, surmounted by dwellings.


Finally, I want to present you with a chart relating to the administrations that have succeeded in this municipality. It can be noted how, over the years, Vico Canavese has been led by different administrations that have distinguished themselves for their actions.

I hope to have better acquainted you with this small Piedmontese municipality, rich in history and natural beauty. If you have the opportunity, I recommend you visit it and enjoy its simplicity and authenticity. See you next time!

Ludovica Neri
Wrote by Ludovica Neri
Updated Tuesday, Jul 26, 2022