
Discovering the history of Vicari

Hello friends, today I want to talk to you about Vicari, a Sicilian municipality in the metropolitan city of Palermo. Its history dates back to the 7th and 9th centuries, during the Byzantine domination. There are several hypotheses about the foundation of the city and the castle, but according to Tommaso Fazello, it can be attributed to the era of the Chiaramonte III or Chiaramonte II. However, there are artifacts that prove that the area was inhabited many centuries before. Over the centuries, the city was sold to various noble families, such as the Valguarnera, the Ventimiglia, the Alliata and the Squillaci, until the Bosco-Bonanni dynasty elevated it to a County.

Discovering the society of Vicari

Currently, Vicari has 2438 inhabitants and over the years has undergone various demographic changes. However, the community is very united and tries to maintain its traditions and popular festivals. One of the most important moments is the festival of San Giorgio, patron saint of the town, which takes place on April 23rd with the procession of the statue of the saint.

Let's discover Vicari: its history, monuments, and administration.

Discovering the points of interest monuments

Vicari is a municipality rich in monuments of interest that are worth a visit. For example, the Cathedral of San Giorgio Martire, built in the 18th century in Baroque style, or the Church of Santa Maria and Monastery, an ancient structure from the 9th century decorated with valuable stuccoes and frescoes. There is also the Cuba of Ciprigna, a Renaissance building with a beautiful internal garden. Among other culturally relevant churches, we also find the Church of San Marco and the Church of Collegio-San Vito. For lovers of military architecture, do not miss the visit to the Castle of Vicari, an ancient fortress that dominates the town and offers a breathtaking panorama.

Discovering the administration of Vicari

In Vicari, like in all other Italian municipalities, the municipal administration is responsible for the management of public affairs and the organization of services for citizens. Below you will find a table with information on the latest administrations that have succeeded.


In conclusion, Vicari is a municipality with a very ancient history and rich in monuments of interest that are worth a visit. The community is very active and participates in popular festivals and local traditions. Furthermore, the municipal administration is committed to ensuring a good quality of life for citizens. If you have the opportunity to visit this Sicilian municipality, do not miss the chance to discover all its beauties!

Marco Rossi
Wrote by Marco Rossi
Updated Sunday, Feb 19, 2023