
Tabiano Castle: A Millennial History

Hi everyone! Today I want to talk to you about Tabiano Castle, one of the historical gems of the Emilia-Romagna region. This suggestive castle, located in the hamlet of Tabiano Castello, in the municipality of Salsomaggiore Terme, in the province of Parma, is a monument of immeasurable value for the history of the region.

Its history is millennial and although there are no certain records regarding its foundation, it is presumed that the castle was probably built by the Pallavicino family between the 10th and 11th century, on the remains of a Roman settlement.

The Medieval Period

Over the centuries, the castle was involved in numerous disputes among members of the Pallavicino family, who controlled the fortress.

In 1143, Marchese Oberto I Pallavicino divided his properties among his sons, triggering a dispute that led to the attack of Tabiano castle by his brother Guglielmo Pallavicino and the people of Piacenza. After the fortress was destroyed, the castle was rebuilt and Delfino Pallavicino was appointed as the marquis.

In the 14th century, the castle changed hands several times, until Bernabò Visconti seized it in 1374 and gave it to his consort, Regina della Scala. In 1390, Gian Galeazzo Visconti returned the castle to Niccolò Pallavicino, who, however, disappeared due to poisoning in 1401.

Tabiano Castle: History and Beauty in Ancient Times

The Renaissance and Spanish Domination

During the Renaissance, the castle was once again at the center of numerous conflicts among the noble families of the area. In 1441, Niccolò Piccinino attacked the Pallavicino State, and all its lands were taken over by Filippo Maria Visconti.

However, in 1457 Uberto Pallavicino, son of Rolando, was officially invested by the Sforza family and his family retained control of the castle for about three centuries, until the final assault in 1636 during the Thirty Years' War, by the Spanish.

The Castle Today

Today, Tabiano Castle has been completely restored and opened to the public. The site is one of the most beautiful and suggestive places in the province of Parma and has been recreated with refined and careful attention to detail.

Visitors can explore it thoroughly, admire the halls, towers, and walls of the fortress and enjoy a fantastic view of the surrounding countryside. Inside the castle, you can also find souvenir shops, restaurants, and bars.

If you are passionate about medieval history, I recommend visiting Tabiano Castle and immersing yourself in the atmosphere of a bygone era. You won't regret it!

Chiara Russo
Wrote by Chiara Russo
Updated Wednesday, Jun 29, 2022