
Vezzano: a guide to the different Italian towns named Vezzano

Hello everyone! Today I would like to tell you about the different Italian towns named Vezzano. Maybe many of you already know some of these areas, but I'm sure there will also be some surprises!

Vezzano (Vallelaghi)

Let's start with Vezzano, a village in the Vallelaghi region in the province of Trento. This area is known for its natural beauty, such as Lake Santa Massenza and Lake Terlago. In addition, those who love trekking can enjoy some excursions in the area, such as the one to the Lupo waterfall or the one to Mount Bondone.

Exploring the different Italian locations of Vezzano.

Vezzano Ligure

We now move on to Vezzano Ligure, a municipality in the province of La Spezia. In this town we can admire the Malaspina Castle, an ancient building dating back to the 13th century. In addition, Vezzano Ligure is famous for its production of olive oil and for its characteristic old town.

Vezzano sul Crostolo

Moving on to Vezzano sul Crostolo, a town in the province of Reggio Emilia. Here we can visit the church of San Giovanni Battista and the castle of Vezzano sul Crostolo, both of medieval origin. In addition, typical dishes of the Reggio Emilia cuisine, such as pumpkin tortelli and coppa can be tasted in the area.

Vezzano (Belluno)

We now come to Vezzano, a village in Belluno. This town is surrounded by nature and offers interesting excursions, such as the one to Mount Schiara or the one to the Soffia waterfall.

Vezzano (Arquata del Tronto)

We arrive at Vezzano, a village in Arquata del Tronto in the province of Ascoli Piceno. This area was hit by the earthquake of 2016, but is slowly recovering. In this village we can visit the church of San Giorgio and the castle of Vezzano, which in the past has also hosted Pope Francis.

Vezzano (Neviano degli Arduini)

Moving on to Vezzano, a village in Neviano degli Arduini in the province of Parma. Here we can admire the church of San Rocco and the castle of Vezzano, both of medieval origin. In addition, the area is known for the production of the famous Parmigiano Reggiano cheese.

Vezzano (Mosciano Sant'Angelo)

We come to Vezzano, a disappeared town in Mosciano Sant'Angelo in the province of Teramo. This area was known for its stone houses and for the castle, which unfortunately was destroyed by an earthquake in the 17th century.

Vezzano (Chiusi della Verna)

We conclude with Vezzano, a village in Chiusi della Verna, an Italian municipality in the province of Arezzo. In this area we can visit the castle of Vezzano, dating back to the 13th century, and the church of San Giovanni Battista. In addition, those who love nature can take a walk to the Acqua Chiara waterfall.

I hope this guide has been useful in discovering the different Italian towns named Vezzano. And if you have any other curiosities or information to share, leave a comment below!

Luca Bianchi
Wrote by Luca Bianchi
Updated Wednesday, Dec 7, 2022