
Reggio Emilia: the city of Tricolore, Parmigiano Reggiano, and Reggio Emilia Approach pedagogical method

Reggio Emilia is an Italian municipality located in Emilia-Romagna, in the Po Valley. The city has a population of 169,640 inhabitants and is the capital of the province of Reggio Emilia. It is known for being the birthplace of Parmigiano Reggiano, for being the city where the Italian flag, Tricolore, was first created, and for its pedagogical teaching method called Reggio Emilia Approach.

Physical geography

Reggio Emilia is located along the Via Emilia, the ancient Roman Empire road that connected Piacenza to Rimini. The municipal territory is flat and crossed by the Crostolo stream and numerous other minor watercourses and streams. To the south of the municipal territory are the first foothills of the Reggio Emilia Apennines, in the neighboring municipalities of Quattro Castella, Albinea, Scandiano, and Casalgrande. It borders to the north with the municipalities of Campegine, Cadelbosco di Sopra and Bagnolo in Piano, to the east with Correggio, San Martino in Rio and Rubiera, to the south with Casalgrande, Scandiano, Albinea and Quattro Castella and to the west with Bibbiano, Cavriago, Montecchio Emilia and Sant'Ilario d'Enza.

Reggio Emilia, Italian history, culture and cuisine.


The climate of Reggio Emilia is a temperate continental type. The city has hot and rather humid summers, with maximum temperatures that sometimes exceed 40°C, and cold winters with frequent frosts. Rainfall is distributed throughout the year, but with greater frequency and intensity on average in autumn and spring. October, November, and April are the rainiest months, while July and January are the driest. Snow falls on the city almost every winter, although with rarely substantial accumulations.


Reggio Emilia was founded at the behest of the Consul Marcus Aemilius Lepidus along the Via Emilia. Throughout its history, the city played an important role in the creation of the Italian tricolor flag, inspired by the banners of the Cispadian Republic. On January 7, 1797, Tricolore was shown for the first time in the Tricolore Hall of the Reggio Emilia town hall, which hosts the city council meetings. In addition, Reggio Emilia was one of the cities decorated for military value during the Italian Resistance Liberation War for the significant role it played during the Italian Liberation War.

Culture and activities

Reggio Emilia is known worldwide for Parmigiano Reggiano, the aged cheese appreciated worldwide. Moreover, the city has developed the Reggio Emilia Approach pedagogical method. This educational approach is based on the idea of the child as an active subject of their own learning and active involvement of children in the educational process. The method was developed after World War II, when the city made education renewal the center of its social policies.


Reggio Emilia is a city with a rich history and culture. Known worldwide for Parmigiano Reggiano and Reggio Emilia Approach pedagogical method, it is an ideal destination for those who want to discover the wonders of the Po Valley. With its temperate continental climate and flat territory, Reggio Emilia offers residents and visitors the opportunity to enjoy all the beauties that Emilia-Romagna has to offer.

Chiara Russo
Wrote by Chiara Russo
Updated Saturday, Jul 23, 2022