
Vestreno: a hidden gem among the Lombard mountains

Welcome to Vestreno, a small hamlet in the province of Lecco, located along the Valvarrone road. With only 291 inhabitants, this town is a hidden gem among the Lombard mountains. Once you visit it, you will be fascinated by its beauty.

A brief look at the history of Vestreno

In the past, Vestreno was part of the municipality of Introzzo, but later became a fiefdom of the Dal Verme family and then of the Sfondrati family. In 2017, it joined the neighboring municipalities of Introzzo and Tremenico to create the municipality of Valvarrone.

Vestreno: a gem among the Lombard mountains

The symbols of Vestreno

The municipal coat of arms was granted in 2007 and the banner represents the protective bond of the ancient noble family of Dal Verme.

Monuments and places of interest

Vestreno has a series of monuments and places of interest that are worth visiting. Among the religious architectures, you can admire the Sanctuary of the Blessed Virgin of Bondo, the Church of San Giacomo and that of Saints Peter and Paul. If you are passionate about civil architecture, do not miss the Castle of Vestreno, located in the highest part of the town.

Demographic evolution of Vestreno

The population of Vestreno has grown over the years, going from 198 inhabitants in 1751 to 447 in 1859.


If you are looking for a destination immersed in nature, far from the chaos of the city, Vestreno is the perfect place for you. You will not regret it.

Chiara Russo
Wrote by Chiara Russo
Updated Thursday, Feb 17, 2022