
Welcome to Vestenanova!

Hello everyone! Today I will talk to you about Vestenanova, a municipality located in the province of Verona, in the beautiful region of Veneto. Vestenanova has about 2542 inhabitants and is located at the foot of Monti Lessini in the Alpone Torrent Valley. The source of the Alpone Torrent is located in the territory of Vestenanova.

A bit of geography

Vestenanova is about 46 kilometers from Verona and is composed of about a hundred districts, most of which are concentrated in Vestenavecchia and Vestenanova. Vestenanova is located on the eastern side of the Alpone Torrent, while Vestenavecchia is on the opposite side. Bolca, a fraction of the municipality, is less than 2 km away from Vestenanova and has an autonomous history until it was incorporated into Vestenanova. Castelvero, another fraction, is located slightly southwest of Vestenavecchia and about 1 km away from Vestenanova in a straight line.

Vestenanova: history and nature in the province of Verona.

Origin of the name

The toponym seems to derive from a person called "Vèstina". Vestenanova is opposed to the fraction Vestenavecchia, while the name resembles the toponym of the Vestina Valley located in Tuscany in the municipality of Monte San Savino and the Brescia municipality of Valvestino.

The history of Vestenanova

Vestena was one of the locations affected by the human and historical events that took place between the 11th and 13th centuries and by the numerous properties that saw the various members of the Ezzelini family as protagonists. Properties that were accurately ascertained, listed and documented after their final defeat in 1260. The territory followed mostly the events of Verona, always being linked to it.

The most reliable and specific data on the history of Vestenanova are quite recent. In fact, the municipality was previously affected by all the dominations of the great influential peoples in southern and central Europe, such as the Celts and the Romans, until the domination of the Italian Medieval Communes (especially the Verona commune, governed by the Scaligeri dynasty) and the Republic of Venice.

The Romans had their first commercial contacts in Veneto with Verona, then still a small village but of great strategic importance for Roman security against possible invasions from the North. When the Veneti became allies of Rome, almost the entire Po Valley followed their fate. Verona itself, under Roman influence, underwent a rapid civilizing and urban transformation, which also involved all the other main city agglomerations of Veneto and the rest of the Po Valley. During the Roman Imperial Age, the new urban conception reached its maximum splendor, particularly with the construction of roads that safely connected all Italian and non-Italian cities. Verona itself became an extremely important commercial hub with the construction of Via Postumia.

With the barbarian invasion of 476 AD, with the fall of the Western Roman Empire, Veneto and Verona, like the rest of Italy, were conquered by the Eruli, the Ostrogoths, and so on.


Vestenanova is a location that I recommend you to visit, especially if you love history and nature. You will be immersed in the beauty of Monti Lessini and can also discover the history of the place by following the traces of the ancient peoples who inhabited it. Don't miss the opportunity to visit this municipality in Veneto!

Alessandro Romano
Updated Thursday, Dec 22, 2022