
Vescovana: a journey to discover a small municipality in Veneto

Vescovana is a small municipality with 1737 residents, located in the province of Padua, in the Veneto region. In this article, we will take you on a journey to discover the history, monuments and places of interest, and society of this city.


Vescovana has a very ancient history, which has undergone various influences over the centuries. The emblem and flag of the municipality were granted by decree of the President of the Republic on February 4th, 1993. The figure in the emblem recalls the fortress with towers that was destroyed by Ezzelino da Romano in 1249. The flag is a split cloth of azure and white.

Vescovana: history, monuments and society of the Venetian municipality.

Monuments and places of interest

The municipality of Vescovana offers a great artistic and cultural heritage. The territory is characterized by numerous religious and civil architectures that testify to the presence of important families of the past. Among the most important religious architectures is the Church of San Giovanni Battista, built in the seventeenth century and located in Via Roma. Near the church is the Oratory of the Blessed Virgin of Loreto, dating back to the seventeenth century.

Among the civil architectures, it is worth mentioning Villa Manfredini, Rosina, Zampollo, and, in particular, Villa Pisani. The latter was built in the first half of the sixteenth century at the behest of Cardinal Francesco Pisani, who was Bishop of Padua from 1524 to 1567. Today the villa is a highly appreciated tourist destination for its cultural and naturalistic events. There are also educational and fun activities for children, such as the Easter egg hunt or the small course on flowers and nature.


Vescovana is a municipality with 1737 residents, which has undergone a demographic evolution in recent decades. Despite the economic crisis that has affected the whole country, Vescovana tries to maintain its identity and offer its residents and tourists all the beauty that its land can offer.


The administration of the municipality of Vescovana is composed of the Mayor and the Municipal Council, who manage the interests of the city to the best of their abilities.



Other projects

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In conclusion, Vescovana is a gem of Veneto that offers much to see and discover. Its history, artistic and cultural heritage, society, and administration demonstrate that it is a well-managed place loved by its residents and visitors. If you have the opportunity to visit Vescovana, don't miss the chance to discover why this city is so beloved.

Ludovica Neri
Wrote by Ludovica Neri
Updated Monday, May 16, 2022