
Hello friends, let's get to know Campagnola!

Campagnola: a name that is repeated in many areas of Italy, but what does it mean? In this friendly text, let's discover together the cities and curiosities that bear the name Campagnola.


Let's start with the Italian cities that have the name Campagnola as part of their toponym. We begin with Campagnola Cremasca, which is part of the province of Cremona, and which, along with Campagnola Emilia in Reggio Emilia, is one of the two largest cities that bear the name Campagnola. The city of Campagnola is also a hamlet of Corte de' Cortesi con Cignone in the province of Cremona.

Campagnola di Zevio, in the province of Verona, is the first hamlet that we come across in our search that bears the name Campagnola. On the other hand, the hamlet of Campagnola is the only part of Brugine, in the province of Padua, that bears this name.

Very similar to Campagnola di Zevio is the locality of Campagnola, which is located in the municipality of Gavardo, province of Brescia. The Campagnola of Mareno di Piave, in the province of Treviso, is another locality that is not a hamlet, but that enjoys the presence of the name Campagnola.

Continuing our search, we find a locality in Verona that bears the name Campagnola, and a hamlet in Marzano Appio, in the province of Caserta.

The city of Bergamo also hosts a neighborhood called Campagnola, and although it is not a city, it is worth mentioning Lake Campagnola, located between the provinces of Vicenza and Verona.

Cities and curiosities of the Italian countryside.


Now that we have explored the Italian cities that bear the name Campagnola, let's try to discover other curiosities that have this name. The Fiat Campagnola is a model of off-road vehicle produced by the Italian automotive company FIAT, while the Iveco Campagnola is a model of off-road vehicle produced by Iveco.

But Campagnola is not just the name of a car, it is also the surname of a very famous Italian painter of the late sixteenth century: Domenico Campagnola.

Related Pages

Finally, for those who want to increase their knowledge, there are two other related pages that are very useful: Campagnoli and Campagnolo. Campagnoli is a widely spread Italian surname, while Campagnolo is the name of an Italian company that produces cycling components.

And so, friends, we have explored together the Italian cities that bear the name Campagnola, and we have learned some interesting curiosities such as the car models produced by FIAT and Iveco, and the Italian painter Domenico Campagnola. We hope that this brief exploration has been useful and entertaining for you!

Alessandro Romano
Updated Friday, Jun 10, 2022