Santa Francesca

Saint Frances of Rome (1384-1440) - Italian religious and mystic

Hello friends! Today I want to talk about an extraordinary woman, a saint who left an indelible mark on the history of the Church: Saint Frances of Rome.

Born in Rome in 1384, Frances felt the religious vocation from a young age and, despite family obligations, managed to enter the Benedictine monastery of Santa Maria Nova.

Frances lived moments of great openness to spirituality, so much so that she was able to perform numerous miracles and to come into contact with numerous saints. Her life was marked by a great devotion to the Virgin Mary and to the figure of Saint Benedict, so much so that she devoted her life to caring for the sick and to the work of the abbey.

The cult of Saint Frances of Rome quickly spread also outside the walls of the convent, so much so that in 1608 she was proclaimed blessed and in 1609 canonized. An extraordinary event that demonstrates how faith and charity can truly change the world.

Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini (1850-1917) - Italian religious and missionary

Not only Frances of Rome, but also Frances Xavier Cabrini, one of the most important figures of the Catholic Church in the twentieth century. Born in Sant'Angelo Lodigiano in 1850, Frances showed from a young age a strong religious vocation and a great passion for charitable works.

After becoming a nun, she dedicated herself to the mission of helping Italian immigrants in America and founded numerous schools, hospitals and orphanages, demonstrating unparalleled generosity and commitment. Her motto was the phrase "... I cannot be tired because I am in the work of good".

Frances Xavier Cabrini also received numerous recognitions, such as beatification in 1938 and canonization in 1946. A courageous and devoted woman, who transmitted her love for others to generations of Christians.

The two Saint Francescas: Italian religious and missionary women.

Santa Francesca (Veroli) - hamlet of the municipality of Veroli (province of Frosinone, Lazio)

And to conclude this small overview dedicated to the Francescas, I will talk about a small village in Lazio that bears their name: Santa Francesca. It is a hamlet of the municipality of Veroli, in the province of Frosinone, located in the Valle del Sacco.

The village is very ancient and has medieval origins, so much so that it preserves numerous testimonies of the past such as the castle and the church dedicated precisely to Santa Francesca. The surrounding area is characterized by splendid landscapes and offers numerous opportunities for nature and good food lovers.

In short, if you are looking for a peaceful and suggestive place to visit, Santa Francesca is definitely an ideal destination. And don't forget to bring with you the memory of these two great women, Frances of Rome and Frances Xavier, who marked the history of the Church and the whole world.

Andrea Giordano
Updated Wednesday, Feb 8, 2023