
Veroli: the city of the Ernici Mountains

Hello everyone, today we will talk about the city of Veroli, located in the province of Frosinone in Lazio. With its 19,559 inhabitants, Veroli is the largest municipality in the province and is located on a relief of the Ernici Mountains, 594 meters above sea level.


The territory of Veroli extends over a vast area and the city is known for its imposing San Leucio Fortress, which has always been a strategic point of observation and control.

Veroli: history and monuments of the city on the Ernici Mountains.


The climate in Veroli is relatively mild and has a climate classification of zone D.

Origin of the name

The name Veroli has several possible origins. It is thought to derive from the word "veru", which means spit, in reference to its shape similar to a spit. Another possible origin is the name "Verolo", which could refer to a landowner in the area. According to Vittorio Giovardi, founder of the Giovardiana Library, the name could derive from the words "verrus" or "verruca", which respectively indicate lead projectiles and a rough and mountainous place. An intriguing theory speaks of a Greek origin, with the root "ver" deriving from the Greek "erúmai" (defend, protect), indicating a place suitable for defense and surveillance.


Veroli has an ancient and important history. The city is said to have been founded as early as the 12th century BC. The ancient Verulae was an ally of Rome, as attested by the Fasti Verulani tablets, a Roman marble calendar dating back to the 1st century AD. In 743, Veroli became a bishopric, as is still testified today by the presence of numerous churches in the area. In the 16th century, the Spanish allies of the Colonna family occupied the city. Once liberated, Veroli was subjected to a government of cardinals. The union with the Papal States was felt several times over time, and around 1800, the bourgeoisie who had taken part in the Roman Republic (1798-1799) of the Jacobins were lynched by the population.

Monuments and places of interest

Veroli boasts numerous religious and civil architectures of great interest.

Religious architectures

The Basilica of Santa Salome, built between 1715 and 1740 by the Bishop of Veroli Monsignor Lorenzo Tartagni da Forlì, houses the relics of Salome, the protector of the city. Among the religious architectures, we also find the important Casamari Abbey and the Church of Santa Maria di Reggimento.

Civil architectures

The San Leucio Fortress is one of the highest points in the city and represents a village dating back to the 9th century. Since their foundation, Veroli and San Leucio have represented a solid system of defense and control, thanks to the strategic position of the fortress and the megalithic walls built by the Ernici.

In conclusion, Veroli is a city with an ancient and fascinating history, with numerous monuments and places of interest to visit. We hope to have intrigued you and to have made you better acquainted with this beautiful city of the Ernici Mountains!

Andrea Giordano
Updated Wednesday, Feb 8, 2023