
Discovering Verolavecchia: a small municipality in the Lower Brescia area

Hello everyone! Today I will talk about Verolavecchia, a municipality in the province of Brescia in Lombardy. With a population of around 3,816 inhabitants, Verolavecchia is a peaceful and pleasant location, perfect for those seeking some peace and relaxation.

Physical geography

Verolavecchia is located in the Lower Brescia area and is crossed by the Strone and Oglio rivers. The latter separates it from the province of Cremona.

Verolavecchia: history and beauty of the Lower Brescia area.


The Verolavecchia area was inhabited since prehistoric times and three Roman tombstones were found, now on display in the Roman museum of Brescia. Despite its geographic nature that makes it isolated, Verolavecchia has an interesting history, although it was not involved in major battles or looting.

In the past, there was a fortified castle, of which only the Gothic tower remains today. In the fifteenth century, Verolavecchia was conquered by armed bands during the wars between Milan and Venice and became part of the Venetian domains until the end of the 18th century. Later, the Austrians occupied the territory in 1814.

In 1856, Verolavecchia merged with the municipality of Monticelli (730 inhabitants) and in 1860 obtained municipal autonomy. In 1871, a drought hit the area and there was a period of famine, accompanied by the epidemic of pellagra.

In 1928, Verolavecchia lost its municipal autonomy to join Verolanuova, but regained it in 1948 after World War II.




To learn more about the history of Verolavecchia, you can read the book "Verolavecchia: its history" by Angelo Bonaglia and Marcello Zane, published in 1998.

Among the figures linked to Verolavecchia, there are Luigi Contratti, hero of the Ten Days of Brescia, and Giuditta Alghisi Montini, mother of Pope Paul VI, who is also an honorary citizen of the municipality and spent part of his life there.

In conclusion, Verolavecchia is a small municipality with discreet charm, with an interesting history and a territory rich in natural beauty. If you are looking for some peace and relaxation, it could be the ideal destination for you!

Chiara Russo
Wrote by Chiara Russo
Updated Friday, Jun 17, 2022