
Welcome to Verolanuova!

Hello everyone! Today we'll talk about Verolanuova, a municipality in Lombardy with an interesting geological history and an uncertain origin of its name. We'll take you on a tour to discover its beauty and the most important events that take place here.

Physical geography

Verolanuova: history, beauties and events in Lombardy


The soil of Verolanuova is the result of the millennia-long work of nature, started over 3 million years ago: alluvial deposits formed since the Holocene period have accumulated on a layer over 2 million years old. This long process led to the birth of the Verolese plain thanks to the transport and sediment of materials carried by the Oglio, Strone, and Mella rivers.

The speed and slope of the rivers have determined the size and type of deposited materials, from stones to the finer pieces of gravel, sand, clay, and silt. Even today, the plain continues to form and change over the years.

Geological history

The Verolese territory has changed over the millennia, from the formation of a pre-existing sea to the creation of the Po Valley, up to the formation of the plain. Glaciations led to an accentuation of the work of the rivers, creating the current valley.

Origin of the name

There is no single version regarding the origin of the name Verolanuova. According to some, such as P. Guerrini, Verola could derive from the term ''vigriola'', meaning "uncultivated lands". Others, such as D. Olivieri, hypothesize that it could derive from ''viriola'', meaning "small circle", perhaps referring to the Verrone stream. According to others, such as A. Gnaga, Verola could be the vulgar name of the ivy ''elix'' or could indicate a small yard, that is, cultivated land.


Prehistoric evidence

The Verolanuova area does not present clear traces of prehistoric human presence. However, it is likely that the first human settlements date back to prehistory, when the Po Valley was still marshy.

Roman era

During the Roman era, there was a first development of the Verolanuova area. Some archaeological findings testify to the presence of villas, but the area remained sparsely populated and the subject of disputes among the barbaric populations.

Medieval era

Verolanuova had a considerable development during the medieval period, thanks to the arrival of the Lombards and then of the Franks, who established some castles and monasteries, including the monastery of San Lorenzo. In the fourteenth century, the area passed under the dominion of the Republic of Venice, which started a process of reclamation and urban development.

Modern era

During the Napoleonic period, Verolanuova was part of the Mella department and underwent various administrative changes until becoming an autonomous municipality in 1815. In the nineteenth century, the area experienced considerable industrial development thanks to the presence of numerous textile industries, now disappeared.

Contemporary era

In the twentieth century, Verolanuova has been a venue for strong urban and economic development, thanks to its strategic position in Lombardy. In 2020, despite the pandemic, the municipality continued to organize numerous events and initiatives for residents and tourists.

Beauty and events

Verolanuova boasts numerous natural and architectural beauties. Among the natural beauties are the Groane Park, the Partecipanza Forest, and the Mella river. Among the noteworthy architectures are the parish church of San Lorenzo, Villa Marenzi, and the Odeon theater.

Verolanuova is also the venue for numerous events and manifestations throughout the year. Among the most important are the Madonna della Bassa Festival (which celebrates the patron saint of the town), the Tortellino Festival (a gastronomic event of great appeal), and the Festival of Peoples (a representation of cultures and traditions from all over the world).


Here is our presentation of Verolanuova, a municipality in the province of Brescia with an interesting geological history and many beauties to discover. Don't miss the opportunity to visit this place rich in history, culture, and tradition!

Chiara Russo
Wrote by Chiara Russo
Updated Wednesday, Sep 28, 2022