
Vigoleno: a medieval gem in the province of Piacenza

Vigoleno is a hamlet of the municipality of Vernasca in the province of Piacenza. Its main point of interest is the Castle of Vigoleno, dating back to the 10th century and well-preserved, which dominates the fortified village surrounding it. Vigoleno is part of the most beautiful villages in Italy and is an example of a particularly beautiful medieval fortified village. Located on a ridge between the Ongina and Stirone valleys, on a not very high hill (350 meters above sea level), it offers a wide view of the surrounding valleys and hills.

Monuments and places of interest

The Castle of Vigoleno is the main monument of Vigoleno. Dating back to the 10th century, it has been fortified over the centuries and has undergone numerous transformations. The current appearance of the structure dates back to the 15th century and is imposing and well-preserved. The fortified village houses the headquarters of the Orsanti Museum, a small museum dedicated to the history of the village and its inhabitants.

Vigoleno: The Castle and Medieval Treasures of Piacenza.

Parish Church of San Giorgio

The Parish Church of San Giorgio is a Romanesque church from the 12th century with three aisles divided by four pairs of powerful round pillars with carved figures as capitals. It underwent Renaissance and Baroque renovations, but thanks to the restoration of 1963, it now presents itself in its original, austere and imposing appearance. The façade is embellished with a portal carved with columns with leafy capitals, and in the lunette, a sculpture depicting Saint George. The quadrangular plan bell tower is topped by bifores. There are few traces of frescoes, Saint George in the apse from the 15th century, and Saint Benedict on a pillar, dated July 19, 1427.

Oratory of Santa Maria

The Oratory of Santa Maria is an elegant and sober eighteenth-century building with a cruciform plan. It overlooks the small square with a small staircase. Today it is used for exhibitions and small concerts thanks to its perfect acoustics.


Traditions and folklore

In Vigoleno, the tradition of the Calendimaggio quest is still present, during which the group of singers brings the May greetings to the houses of the village, receiving in return eggs or other gifts that are lowered with the "cavagna" hanging from the windows in the narrow alleys. In addition, a wine is named after it, the Colli Piacentini Vin Santo di Vigoleno.

Orsanti Museum

The Castle of Vigoleno houses the small but interesting Orsanti Museum, dedicated to the tradition of the Orsanti, a brotherhood founded in 1488 and active until the eighteenth century.


Vigoleno is an ideal tourist destination for those who love history and culture, but also nature. The village and its surroundings offer open spaces and a panoramic view of the surrounding countryside. In addition, the Castle of Vigoleno and the Parish Church of San Giorgio have been used as locations for numerous films, TV series, and TV programs.


Among the works that delve into the history and art of Vigoleno, we recommend "Castelli piacentini" by Carmen Artocchini and "Castelli del Ducato di Parma e Piacenza" by Daniela Guerrieri.

Other projects

For further information on Vigoleno, you can visit the official website of Vigoleno Italy or the website of the municipality of Vernasca.

Fabio Marino
Wrote by Fabio Marino
Updated Saturday, May 14, 2022