
Vernante: a village immersed in nature

Vernante is a small town of about 1100 inhabitants, located in the province of Cuneo, Piedmont. Its beauty is given by the nature that surrounds it: in fact, the town is part of the natural park of the Maritime Alps, which makes it perfect for those who want to dedicate themselves to outdoor activities such as walks, hikes and mountain bike routes.

The history of Vernante

Vernante: nature, history, and tradition.

Prehistoric era

Vernante has a very ancient history: already in prehistoric times, the territory was inhabited by Ligurian-Alpine populations, who left traces of their rock carvings related to their cults.

Roman era

In Roman times, Vernante was part of the province of "Alpium Maritimarum", and its inhabitants became Roman citizens under Nero. The Via Imperia, built by the Romans to connect Roccavione to Monte Cornio, passed right through the town.

Advent of Christianity

The Christian religion spread in the Vermenagna Valley in the 3rd century thanks to Dalmazzo di Pedona, a lay preacher martyred with a sword blow to the head in 254. A basilica was built on his remains in 500, while in 600 the Borgo San Dalmazzo was built.

Middle Ages

In 901, Vernante became a fiefdom of Eilolfo, bishop of Asti, and was subsequently repeatedly damaged by Saracen invasions, which left traces of their language in the vernantesi dialect.

The toponym and the municipal coat of arms

The name Vernante derives from the Celtic word "verna", which indicates the black alder tree that is very widespread in the valley and is present in the town's coat of arms. The municipal coat of arms features an alder tree (Alnus) on a gold field and the motto "In silvis salus" ("In the woods there is health").

The beauty of the landscape

Vernante is perfect for nature lovers: in fact, the town offers numerous trails and paths that allow you to explore the surrounding mountains and enjoy their beauty. Among the recommended activities are walks, hikes, Nordic walking and cycling.

Between culture and tradition

Vernante's cultural heritage is mainly given by its ancient history and the presence of numerous churches and chapels, such as the Church of Santa Maria Assunta, an eighteenth-century place of worship. In addition, the town celebrates the Apple Festival every year, an event that attracts many visitors and celebrates the production of apples in the area.

In conclusion, Vernante is a small town nestled in the mountains of Piedmont, which offers the opportunity to immerse oneself in the nature, history and culture of this splendid Italian region.

Irene Mariani
Wrote by Irene Mariani
Updated Wednesday, Aug 24, 2022