
Welcome to Vergato, a municipality located in the province of Bologna with a population of 7510 inhabitants. With its proximity to Bologna, this town is easily accessible by trains of the Ferrovia Porrettana or by the Strada statale 64 Porrettana. In this text, we will discover the history of Vergato, its symbols, and the architectural wonders of the area.


The city of Vergato originated from several inns that travelers used as a reference point to reach Tuscany. The name of the city could derive from the Latin "Varegatum," which means "ford," but there are other theories that link it to "green branch" or "formed, interwoven with wicker." Over the centuries, the city passed from the bishops of Bologna to various noble houses, including the lords of Frignano, the counts Alberti di Prato e Mangona and those of Panico, until becoming part of the properties of Countess Matilda of Canossa. With the increase of Bolognese hegemony over the upper Reno valley, Vergato became a prominent political and administrative center for the surrounding area. With its prominent position on nearby localities, Vergato became the seat of the mountain captaincy at the beginning of the fifteenth century and then the capital of the district during the French domination. In the nineteenth century, Vergato became the seat of government during the restored Papal State and the district after annexation to the Kingdom of Italy. The city was almost completely destroyed during the bombings of the Second World War but grew demographically and economically in the following years.


The coat of arms and the banner of Vergato were recognized by decree of the head of government on September 9, 1937. The figure of a pig that stands between the "rods" suggests the name of the city. The banner of Vergato is a yellow cloth.

History, symbols, and beauties of Vergato: let's discover them together!


The municipality of Vergato received the Gold Medal for Civil Valor on February 8, 2001, in recognition of the population that offered an example of generosity and solidarity in the reconstruction of the city after the bombings suffered during the Second World War.

Monuments and places of interest

Vergato offers many attractions for visitors who want to discover its history and culture. Here are some of its most important monuments and places of interest.

Religious architecture

The Church of San Pietro is an architectural complex of great historical interest in the center of Vergato. Inside, you can see ancient frescoes and paintings that tell the city's history through the centuries.

Civil architecture

The Palazzo dei Capitani, seat of the municipal administration, is known for the stained glass windows of the council chamber, made by Luigi Ontani. On the facade of the building, there are the emblems of the various mountain captains who succeeded each other over time, as evidence of the city's long history.

Marco Damico
Wrote by Marco Damico
Updated Thursday, Dec 29, 2022