
Hello everyone! Today I want to talk about Verbicaro, a municipality in the province of Cosenza which is part of the Pollino National Park.

Origins of the name

The name Verbicaro is said to have two possible sources: the first being the Latin word "vervecarius", meaning "shepherd", and the second being the Greek Byzantine name "Nicolaus Berbecaris". Whether it comes from one source or the other, one thing is certain: the name of the municipality is linked to the traditions of shepherds and breeders in the area.


The history of Verbicaro was marked by a cholera epidemic that struck much of the population in 1911. Fear and desperation led to a popular uprising in which three people, including the mayor and municipal secretary, were killed and the town hall was set on fire.

Verbicaro: between shepherd traditions and the beauty of the Pollino National Park.

Description of the territory

The territory of Verbicaro is described in a geographically-reasoned dictionary from the Kingdom of Naples, printed in 1797. It reads that the town is located in a valley, surrounded by high mountains. The air is temperate and there are two streams that cause damage and maintenance expenses for two bridges and roads annually. A mile away is a river called Innicari, which runs through the territory and flows into the sea. The territory of Verbicaro borders those of Sandonato, Grisolia, Abbatemarco and Orsomarzo.

Agriculture and breeding

Verbicaro mainly produces food and grapes, particularly dorache or zibibi, which could bring significant income to the population if properly exploited. However, the industry of sheep and goats causes much of the territory to be used only for grazing, causing damage to the vineyards and crops of other citizens. Sheep herders are the most powerful in the town. The territory of Verbicaro is not very extensive, so many citizens are forced to cultivate that of neighboring towns, such as Abbatemarco.


The area around Verbicaro is characterized by beech forests, which were once used to produce terebinth and generate testugini. However, most of these forests have been abandoned.

In conclusion, Verbicaro is a municipality with an interesting history and a unique geographical position, between mountains and sea. Its economy is mainly based on agriculture and breeding, but there are also some natural beauties to discover. If you find yourself in the area, don't forget to visit Verbicaro!

Paola Santoro
Wrote by Paola Santoro
Updated Saturday, Nov 26, 2022