

Hello everyone!

Today I want to talk to you about the Prosciutto di Venticano, a traditional agri-food product from Campania that has conquered the taste buds of Italians and beyond. I will tell you about the history of this tasty product, its characteristics, and how it is produced.


The origins of the production of this product are located in the Media Valle del Calore, where the raising of courtyard animals, particularly the Sus scrofa domesticus, took place. Already at the beginning of the 1800s, the area developed thanks to a combination of factors such as the easy availability of salt, the climate suitable for air-drying the product, and the ancient Via Appia, the obligatory passage of the so-called "Via del Sale".

By the end of the 1800s, several families were involved in the processing and commercialization of cured meats.

In 2011, Prosciutto di Venticano was recognized as a P.A.T. (Traditional Agri-Food Product).

Venticano Ham: the culinary excellence of Campania.


Prosciutto di Venticano is a dry-cured ham with a sweet and delicate flavor, but with an intense taste. Despite its long aging process, it retains a typical tenderness and softness to the touch, while visually presenting a pink color with streaks of pure white fat. This product is recognized as an excellence of Italian culinary tradition and is therefore used as the main ingredient in numerous recipes.


The production of Prosciutto di Venticano takes place in a ham and salami factory located in Venticano. The processing phases are carried out by hand, starting from the choice of the meat, which must be exclusively national and from selected farms.

The production process begins with salting, followed by a period of rest in a refrigerated cell. Subsequently, the ham is washed, dried, and aged for at least 12 months.

During the aging phase, the ham is exposed to natural air, thus obtaining a unique flavor and aroma.


In conclusion, Prosciutto di Venticano represents one of the excellences of Italian culinary tradition. The particular microclimate of the Valle del Calore Irpino and the artisanal processing techniques used give this ham a unique flavor and aroma that go beyond the simple taste of the product. If you have the opportunity to try it, you won't regret it!

Francesco Serra
Updated Sunday, Jun 12, 2022