Piombino Dese: A Charming Place Rich in History
Piombino Dese is a small town located in the northeast of the province of Padua in Veneto. With just over nine thousand inhabitants, this town is a charming and historic place, surrounded by nature characterized by the presence of numerous waterways and wetlands.
Physical Geography of Piombino Dese
The territory of Piombino Dese is crossed by several waterways, including the Zero river, the Dese river (from which the toponym derives), the Draganziolo, the Marzenego, and especially the Sile river. The latter, in fact, originates in this area from springs, and the presence of these wetlands has contributed to the inclusion of the municipality in the Regional Natural Park of the River Sile.

Origins of the Name Piombino Dese
The name of the town of Piombino Dese has a curious origin. It is thought to derive from the Latin word "plumbum," meaning lead. However, the reason for this choice is not clear. Perhaps it refers to the color of the soil, similar to that of lead, or to the Alcedo atthis, also known as the "piombino" for its ability to dive into the water.
History of Piombino Dese
Origins of Piombino Dese
Human presence in this area has been reported since the Epipaleolithic period, about 6,000 years ago. In particular, during the Bronze Age, human activity intensified, with agriculture and grazing integrating with hunting, fishing, and gathering. Livestock farming is presumed to have been one of the main means of subsistence for the population in an area where natural resources were quickly exhausted.
Human settlements were concentrated mainly in the northern part of the municipal territory. In this part of the town, in fact, there are still place names that could suggest the existence of hillocks emerging from marshy areas.
The Roman Period in Piombino Dese
During the Roman period, the territory of Piombino Dese underwent a major transformation, thanks to agricultural settlement that led to the creation of more stable settlements. In the Torreselle area, Roman-era tombs were found, with fragments of amphorae and potsherds. Over the years, numerous artifacts have been found, including both republican and imperial coins.
Even today, some of the town's streets and ditches follow the rules of ancient Roman centuriation, but Piombino Dese was located on the extreme frontiers of the empire.
Christianity and the Middle Ages in Piombino Dese
The spread of Christianity was favored by the monk Prosdocimo of Padua, who contributed to the evangelization of Veneto. In the following period, Christianity coexisted with pagan cults until the peace of Constantine. From that moment on, the Christian religion could spread even in rural areas, playing an important role in the history of the territory of Piombino Dese.
In conclusion, Piombino Dese is a location that offers many points of interest from a historical and naturalistic point of view. The presence of numerous waterways and wetlands provides an opportunity for nature lovers, while history enthusiasts can discover the numerous signs of the past, from the first human settlements to the Roman era and medieval Christianity. The charming town of Piombino Dese is a place that deserves to be visited and discovered with attention.