
Welcome to Velletri: Introduction to the City

Hello everyone! Today we're talking about Velletri, a beautiful city in central Italy. With a population of approximately 52,911 inhabitants, Velletri is located in the metropolitan city of Rome Capitale in Lazio.

The historical center of the city, built on the slopes of the Colli Albani, is only 40 kilometers from Rome and enjoys a fantastic view of the Lazio coastline and the Tyrrhenian Sea. Despite its ancient ties to the Castelli Romani area, Velletri has a long tradition as a medieval municipality.

Velletri was founded by the ancient Volsci and the name of the city refers to the Latin term ''Velitrae''. The city was also an important suburbicarian see of Velletri-Segni and had the pleasure of hosting two historic battles in 1744 and 1849.

In this article, we'll talk about the physical geography of Velletri, from the extension of the territory to its hydrographic and geological zones. You'll discover the natural treasures and peculiarities of the city that make it unique.

Physical geography of Velletri

Velletri: Art, Culture and Nature in the Alban Hills


The city of Velletri extends across two different geological zones, namely the Colli Albani and the Agro Pontino. The Colli Albani is a mountain range that formed approximately 150,000 years ago after the collapse of the Lazio volcano. The southern part of Velletri is instead located in the Agro Pontino, whose hydraulic reclamation was completed only during the fascist period, after it had been started during the pontificate of Pope Pius VI.

The Italian Geological Survey classifies much of Velletri's territory as "lps" soils that derive from the presence of paleosols. The remaining lands are composed of "lp" soils, made up of variously colored lapilli stratified with intercalations of ash, sometimes clayey areas, rich in isolated femic minerals and abundant analcimizzata leucite. In particular, in the soil of the areas surrounding the historic center, it is possible to find material "β5", classified as "Velletri metallurgical leucite".


Velletri is interesting from the hydrographic point of view, as it collects the channels of numerous water veins originating in the surrounding mountains which over the centuries have created valleys and ravines towards the sea. Velletri's main watercourses, most of which are torrential in nature or of small flow, are the "fossi". The main ones are the "Minella ditch", the "Sant'Eurosia ditch", the "Paganica ditch" and the "Ponte Veloce ditch".

Art and culture in Velletri

Art treasures and museums

In Velletri, there are many cultural attractions. The city, in fact, is known for its castles, churches, and ancient buildings that tell stories of long-past centuries. One of the most fascinating places in Velletri is the Abate Castle, which houses the Municipal Library. We also have the Archaeological Civic Museum, which preserves the finds found in the city and in the Colli Albani area, and the Paparella Treccia Devlet Art Gallery, which exhibits works of art from the 14th to the 20th century.

Events and festivals

During the year, Velletri hosts numerous events that enliven the city, from the traditional Roman carnival to the Craft Beer Festival, passing through the Pizza Festival or the ancient San Cesareo fair. But the most important celebration is the Feast of San Michele, which lasts about two weeks, from the end of September to early October, and celebrates the city's patron saint.

What to do in Velletri

Visit the Colli Albani

The Colli Albani offer numerous outdoor activities for all visitors. Among the most popular activities is the visit to the Regional Park of the Castelli Romani, which hosts several naturalistic paths that offer breathtaking landscapes. From the park, you can embark on a journey of discovery of the various towns of the Castelli Romani, such as Castel Gandolfo or Ariccia, which offer gastronomic itineraries and wine tastings.

Visit the Historical Center of Velletri

The historical center of Velletri is a true treasure, thanks to the numerous attractions it contains: from churches to castles to historic squares, everything speaks of the city's long history. Among the main attractions of the historic center, there are the Church of San Clemente, Piazza del Teatro, the Roman Theater, the Cathedral of San Clemente, and the Castle of Velletri.


Velletri is a city that offers everything you need for history, culture, and nature. This city is as beautiful in form as in substance, giving tourists a wonderful view of the Castelli Romani, historical testimonies, and natural treasures. No matter what your passion is, Velletri will surely satisfy you, offering you an unforgettable experience. What are you waiting for? Come and discover this city!

Martina Moretti
Updated Saturday, Dec 31, 2022