Velezzo Lomellina

Welcome to Velezzo Lomellina!

Hello! Are you ready to discover Velezzo Lomellina? This small municipality in the province of Pavia in Lombardy has only 95 inhabitants, but has a lot to offer to anyone who loves nature and history. I have decided to prepare a summary of the municipality for you, a bit like you would do with a friend who invited you to visit her hometown. So let's split this text into sections and let's start discovering Velezzo Lomellina together!

The history of Velezzo Lomellina

The municipality of Velezzo was born from the union of three small municipalities: Velezzo, Campalestro, and Terno. Strangely, not much is known about the history of Velezzo until the nineteenth century, except that its Pieve dates back to very ancient times. Terno, on the other hand, is said to date back to Roman times and was located one mile from Lomello. The small municipality was suppressed in 1759 and included in that of Velezzo. Campalestro, on the other hand, has no precise date of birth, but it was certainly part of the Squadra Lomellina in 1452, while in 1470 it was already feuded to the Maletti. In 1707 it passed to the Ghislieri marquises of Milan until its union with Velezzo and Terno in 1818.

Discover Velezzo Lomellina: history, symbols and places of interest.

The symbols of Velezzo Lomellina

The municipality obtained its coat of arms, flag, and municipal banner in 2007. The flag is green, while the flag has a yellow background with a blue border and the symbol of the municipality in the center.

Places of interest in Velezzo Lomellina

The Pieve of Velezzo

The Pieve of Velezzo is certainly the oldest place in the whole Lomellina and, according to historical documents, may be the first Christian center of this area, located not far from Lomello. The current building was built at the end of the 9th century or at the beginning of the next, but the foundations are even older. In 1259, the Pieve lost its autonomy and became a subordinate of the church of Lomello, from which it took the name of "Santa Maria Minore". Over time, the church reduced its claims to the minimum, becoming a ruin. On the contrary, the baptistery still preserved some decorative elements but no altar.

Other places to visit

Velezzo Lomellina is a very small municipality, but if you love walking in nature, you will certainly appreciate the surrounding countryside. The main inhabited nuclei are Velezzo and Campalestro, from which the farms "Pieve", "Claudia", "Balossina", "Terno", and "Malpaga" branch off.


Here is a brief summary of Velezzo Lomellina whose history dates back to the mists of time. You will surely visit few places of interest, but the beauty of this municipality lies precisely in the surrounding nature, a true oasis of peace and relaxation. If you are looking for a place to get away from the hectic city life, Velezzo Lomellina is the ideal place for you. I hope I have done justice to this small municipality, which has reached us through the vicissitudes of history, and to have made you want to visit it. See you next time, friends!

Matteo Ferrari
Updated Saturday, Jul 16, 2022