
Discovering Veglio: a municipality in the province of Biella, Piedmont

Veglio, also known as ''Vèj'' in Piedmontese, is an Italian municipality with a population of 454 inhabitants, located in the province of Biella in Piedmont.

Physical geography

The municipal territory has a northwest/southeast position and extends from the ridge that separates the Valsessera from the Valle di Mosso to the valley floor of the latter, with altitudes varying from 1622 m on Monte Cerchio (near Bielmonte) to 466 m at the border with Valle Mosso. Most of the hamlets are located along the SP 105, which connects Veglio with Camandona and Mosso, crossing the high Pistolesa viaduct and near the Strona di Mosso, especially in Romanina. Veglio also has a mountain administrative island in Valsessera, the Alpe Montuccia, which includes the woods and pastures that descend from Monticchio (Alpi Biellesi) down to Sessera.

Discover Veglio: a charming municipality in the province of Biella.

Origins of the name

The origin of the toponym Veglio has no certain interpretation, but it seems to derive from the verb "vegliare, veglia", in reference to the position of the municipality as a sentinel that extends its view over the Valle di Mosso, and that first receives the morning sun.


The first news about Veglio dates back to the Middle Ages. In 1185, it is already mentioned as one of the most populous and ancient cantons of Mosso Santa Maria, forming with Mosso and Mezzana Mortigliengo a single parish. Mortigliengo detached itself from Mosso before the end of the 13th century, while Veglio remained linked to Mosso Santa Maria both civilly and religiously for a long time.

Religious independence came in 1528, when the Oratory of San Giovanni Battista (Veglio) in Veglio, built towards the end of the 15th century, was elevated to a curate church. The Veglians then obtained full parish independence towards the end of the 16th century, as in 1606, there is already mention of the parish and the parish priest of Veglio.

Administrative independence was achieved in 1742, together with Pistolesa and Valle Superiore Mosso (then suppressed in 1938), when the municipality of Veglio was erected, which has maintained its independence until today.

Over time, the population has gone from 566 people in 1671 to 1042 in 1837, to reach a maximum of 1146 inhabitants in 1961. After the Piedmont Flood of 1968, the loss of population has been constant since many industries and their employees left the town, moving to the cities.


Veglio is a fascinating municipality in the province of Biella. Its geographical position and history make it an ideal place for those seeking some tranquility and beauty. In fact, Veglio is located in a privileged position, a step away from the mountains and a few kilometers from important cities like Biella and Turin. Moreover, the surrounding landscape offers many opportunities for hiking, walking in the woods, and enjoying the local cuisine. Despite the loss of population, Veglio remains a special place where one can enjoy a peaceful and authentic life.

Andrea Fontana
Updated Monday, Jul 18, 2022