
Welcome to Vasia, a charming Ligurian village

If you are looking for an authentic and peaceful place to spend your summer holidays or simply a day trip, Vasia could be the right choice for you. This small municipality of 365 inhabitants is located in the province of Imperia, in Liguria, and is surrounded by the nature of the Maritime Alps.

Surrounded by the nature of the Maritime Alps

Vasia: an authentic village in the Maritime Alps

Vasia is situated at the foot of Mount Acquarone, which reaches a height of 735 meters. The territory is characterized by various nuclei and settlements along the valleys of the Molini and Vasia rivers, with a view of the Scuassi, dei Prati, Pissibinelli, Poggio della Croce, and Pian Cavallo mountains. This is the perfect place for those who love trekking and the mountains, but also for those who wish to relax in the open air and enjoy the panorama.

The origins of the village of Vasia

The origins of the toponym Vasia are still unknown, but it is known that an initial human settlement was located in a different position compared to the current inhabited area. In 1103, the fief of Pietralata (to which Prelà and Vasia belonged) was assigned to the monks of Lerino, who rebuilt the monastery of San Martino. Thanks to them, olive cultivation and oil mills spread, favoring the movement of settlements further south. The territory was then constituted in the county of Pietralata and divided in two castellanies: Pietralata Superiore and Inferiore.

The Genoese domination

During the Middle Ages, Vasia was subjected to the jurisdiction of the castellany of Pietralata Superiore and then to the nearby community of Prelà, under the control of the marquises of Clavesana. Subsequently, the territory passed to the Lascaris di Ventimiglia and was included as the capital of the podesteria that referred to the villages of Moltedo and Pianavia. In 1575, following the fortunes of the Duchy of Savoy, Vasia was united with this territory and inserted into the province of Oneglia.

The unification of Italy

With the arrival of Napoleon Bonaparte, Vasia was included in the Ligurian Republic and, subsequently, in the Kingdom of Sardinia. In 1818, it was placed under the jurisdiction of Prelà, province of Oneglia, division of Nizza. Throughout history, the Genoese domination has left an indelible mark on the villages of the area, and even today there are many evidences of this cultural heritage.

A place to explore

Today, Vasia is a peaceful and authentic place, far from the hustle and bustle of the city. However, there are many activities and attractions to explore: the Christ of the Abyss, submerged in the crystal-clear waters of the bay of San Fruttuoso, the Oriental Market of Genoa, the Cathedral of San Lorenzo, the Villa Durazzo-Pallavicini in Genoa Pegli, and much more. Moreover, Vasia is famous for its excellent cuisine, which combines the flavors of Ligurian tradition with local products such as Taggiasca olives and fresh fish.


Vasia is the perfect place for your summer holidays or simply for a day trip to discover the beauties of Liguria. Come and breathe the fresh air of the Maritime Alps and discover the history and culture of this charming village. It will be an unforgettable experience both for nature lovers and for those who love traditional cuisine. We are waiting for you in Vasia!

Alessandro Romano
Updated Thursday, Dec 29, 2022