
Hello everyone! Today I will talk to you about Vasanello, a beautiful Italian town located in the province of Viterbo in Lazio, which has about 3,960 inhabitants and is situated at an altitude of 271 m above sea level.

Physical geography

The territory of Vasanello is characterized by a D-type climate, with an average of 1891 GR/G and offers breathtaking landscapes thanks to its hills that make it a perfect place for long walks in the open air.


The history of Vasanello dates back to the late Middle Ages, thanks to the donation of the territory to San Pietro in Tuscia by the Lombard king. However, only during the Renaissance, more detailed historical information is available.

In 1212, Pope Innocent III issued a bull delegating the administration of Vasanello to the Podestà of Orte, but then the fief was usurped by Orso Orsini, who built the primitive nucleus of the baronial castle. In 1282, Martin IV forced Orso Orsini to return Vasanello to San Pietro in Tuscia, then it returned to the hands of the Orsini through Elena.

Vasanello's period of greatest fame began during the three years of the pontificate of Callistus III, thanks to the arrival in Rome from Spain of Callistus III's niece, Adriana de Milla. The enterprising girl married Ludovico Orsini with whom she had a son, Orsino. In 1489, Orsino Orsini married Giulia Farnese, thus satisfying the social ambitions of their respective families and obtaining the Legations of Viterbo and Marche thanks to the favors granted by Pope Borgia.

Orsino Orsini died under unclear circumstances under the collapse of a ceiling of the castle, on July 31, 1500. In 1504, Geronima Farnese, the stepmother of Giovanni Battista Anguillara, was buried in Vasanello after being assassinated. In 1505, the fief of Vasanello passed to Nicola Della Rovere and, upon his death in 1534, to his son Giulio who left it to his sister Elena. She, married to Stefano Colonna, closed the cycle of the Della Rovere in Vasanello.

Since then, the town has been maintained by the Colonna family until the 1700s, then passed to the Colonna-Barberini di Sciarra, who maintained it until the fall of the Papal States. At the beginning of the twentieth century, feudal assets were acquired by the Banca d'Italia, which later passed them on to the Agrarian University, except for the castle. In 1907, the castle was purchased by Monsignor Luigi Misciattelli, who later passed it on to his nephew Paolo Misciattelli.

Vasanello: history and beauties in the province of Viterbo.

Thank you for reading my summary of Vasanello's history. I hope to have done justice to the beauty and history of this particular Italian town. See you soon, friends!

Andrea Fontana
Updated Thursday, Apr 7, 2022