
Varmo: Origin and Name

Today we'll talk about the municipality of Varmo, a town located in Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Italy. The name Varmo, as the text suggests, derives from the original "Vil di Var" which referred to the Di Varmo family who managed the fief since the early 1000s. The Italian adaptation later gave birth to the current toponym. Contrary to what one might think, the name does not come from the river of the same name, but from the villa of that ancient family.

History of Varmo

Known in the past as "Vil di Var", this municipality in Friuli-Venezia Giulia has an interesting history that roots back to the management of the fief by the Di Varmo family. Over the years, Varmo has been the protagonist of some literary works, including "Il Varmo," a rural novella by Ippolito Nievo set in the mill of Glaunicco, and two novels by Sergio Maldini: "La casa a nord-est" and "La stazione di Varmo."

The History of Varmo: From the Di Varmo Feudal Territory to Friulian Culture.

Monuments and Places of Interest

If you find yourself in Varmo, you can't miss the Church of San Lorenzo Martire, one of the most important religious buildings in the town. The church, dedicated to Saint Lawrence the Martyr, dates back to the 16th century and is of remarkable artistic interest. With a Gothic and Baroque architecture, the interior houses numerous works of sacred art and a valuable statue of the martyr Saint Lawrence.

Society of Varmo

Demographic Evolution

The municipality of Varmo has a population of about 2660 inhabitants, with a demographic evolution that has seen a slight increase in recent years. Over time, the town's population has undergone several phases of growth and decline, mainly linked to economic and social issues.

Languages and Dialects

In addition to Italian, the official language of the town, Friulian is also spoken in Varmo. This language is recognized at the regional level, and its presence is important for preserving local culture and tradition. The Friulian dialect spoken in Varmo is the central-eastern one.

Bibliography and References

For those who want to deepen the history and culture of Varmo, the bibliography can be helpful. Among the most interesting works are "Castelli e monasteri del territorio di Varmo" by Mario Giovanni Battista Altan, "Toponomastica urbana del Comune di Varmo" by Franco Gover, and "Varmo - Vil di Vâr" edited by Enrico Fantin. Additionally, further information on the town is available on the Municipality's website.


In summary, the municipality of Varmo is a small town in Friuli-Venezia Giulia that has ancient roots and an interesting history. With the presence of the Church of San Lorenzo Martire and numerous monuments, Varmo is an ideal destination for those looking for a cultural holiday. The Friulian language is also an added value that represents the tradition and culture of this territory.

Andrea Giordano
Updated Friday, Feb 10, 2023