
Welcome to Capolago, the Varese hamlet with a fascinating history

Hello everyone! Today I will talk to you about Capolago, a picturesque hamlet of the city of Varese, located about four kilometers from its center. The hamlet was once known as "Capo di Lago", but also as "Summolaco" or "Capitelaco".

To discover the history of Capolago, we have to go back in time to the eleventh century, when the ancient monastery dedicated to the Holy Trinity was founded. This place of worship has conferred a certain importance on the hamlet in the following centuries.

Capolago's history through the years

Capolago was an autonomous municipality until 1927 when it was definitively annexed to the city of Varese under the fascist regime. Over the years, the hamlet has undergone numerous changes in its administration. It was first recorded in 1751 as a village of 185 inhabitants and by 1805 already had 226 residents. In 1871, the population had increased to 442 people.

During the nineteenth century, the hamlet experienced a slowdown in population growth. In 1921, Capolago had 599 residents, a number that remained stable until the annexation to Varese in 1927.

Capolago: history and attractions of the district of Varese.

What to see in Capolago

Despite its small size, Capolago offers several tourist attractions. One of the most interesting places to visit is the ancient monastery of the Holy Trinity, founded in the eleventh century. This place of worship has undergone several restorations and still retains its original architecture.

In addition, Capolago also hosts the church of San Giuseppe, known for its baroque architecture and for the presence of valuable works of art inside.

External links

If you want to learn more about Capolago, I recommend taking a look at the website of the Municipality of Varese or the Lombardy tourist portal. Here you can find further information on the history of the hamlet and its tourist attractions.


In summary, Capolago is a very interesting hamlet to visit, as it offers visitors an experience different from that which can be found in the hectic city of Varese. Thanks to its unique history and tourist attractions, Capolago is a recommended stop for anyone visiting Lombardy.

Fabio Marino
Wrote by Fabio Marino
Updated Tuesday, Aug 23, 2022