Varco Sabino

A small village in the mountains of Lazio: Varco Sabino

Varco Sabino is a municipality in the heart of the mountains of Lazio, in the province of Rieti. With only 164 inhabitants, it is a small village that we will be discussing in this article.

Physical Geography

Situated at an altitude of 742 meters above sea level, Varco Sabino is located on the mountains that separate the valley of Salto from that of Turano. The village overlooks the Salto lake, of which a part of the waters fall within the municipality. Thanks to a mountain road, it is possible to reach the adjacent area of Turano Lake in Rocca Sinibalda.

The climate is classified as zone E, with 2715 degree days of heating.

Varco Sabino: a village in the mountains of Lazio.


The community of Varco has origins that precede 1450. The first inhabitants were displaced from the village of Mirandella, which had been destroyed by a violent earthquake. This event occurred after 1406, as in that year the village of Mirandella was still alive.

In 1968, the hamlet of Rigatti (Varco Sabino) was aggregated to the municipality of Ascrea.

Monuments and places of interest

Varco Sabino boasts several monuments and places of interest. Among the religious ones, there is the grotto of Archangel Michael. At the civil level, you can see the remains of the village of Mirandella and a Roman bridge.

Regarding natural areas, Varco Sabino is in an area of great natural value. The Monte Navegna and Monte Cervia Nature Reserve, Lake Salto, and the Cicolano Mountains are some of the natural attractions of the place. You can also follow the "Le strade dei parchi" trail, which goes from Vicovaro to Varco Sabino.


Tourism is the main economic activity of Varco Sabino. It lends itself to outdoor activities and itineraries to discover medieval villages. The presence of Lake Salto has led to the development of CNVS Wave, where you can practice Wakeboarding, Wakeskating, and Wakesurfing. The lake has been chosen by the Italian Federation of Water Skiing and Wakeboarding for the Italian championship and finals from 2001 to 2020. In 2022 it will host the Wakeboarding World Championships.


The second Sunday of May celebrates the patron saint of the village, Archangel Michael.


Varco Sabino, which in 1923 moved from the province of Perugia in Umbria to the province of Rome in Lazio, is now part of the province of Rieti. It has seen several mayors over the years, including Gabriele Maglioni, the current mayor.

Infrastructure and transport

The provincial road of the province of Rieti 29 connects Varco Sabino to other provincial roads, connected to the state road 578 Salto Cicolana, which connects Rieti and Avezzano.

In conclusion, Varco Sabino is a small village nestled in the mountains of Lazio, rich in history, natural beauty, and tourist attractions. If you like outdoor life and relaxation, we recommend you visit this charming village.

Giulia Rizzo
Wrote by Giulia Rizzo
Updated Monday, Feb 20, 2023