
Welcome to Vanzago: a small town in the heart of Lombardy

Hello everyone and welcome to the town of Vanzago, a municipality of 9284 inhabitants located in the metropolitan city of Milan, in Lombardy. Today we will talk about the history and places of interest of our town.

The history of Vanzago

Vanzago has an ancient origin, dating back to the period when the Celts settled in the area, as evidenced by the toponym "Vantac". Subsequently, the area was latinized to "Ventiacum". The first written references to the name date back to 864, when they were transcribed in the "Codex Diplomaticus Langobardorum". During the reign of Napoleon, Vanzago was annexed to Pogliano Milanese.

For centuries, the economy of the town has been based on agriculture, as evidenced by the old farmhouses present in the various green areas still existing today. During the first half of the 20th century, important factories were born such as the Cotonificio Valle Ticino, a large weaving mill that employed over 350 workers in the 1930s, and the company Cuoital, which produced footwear. Today there are only a few activities, such as the Ulisse Cantoni mechanical workshop, the Fratelli Carini salami factory and the Autonord Car & Caravan, which deals with the sale of new and used cars and caravans.

Vanzago is known for its numerous protected green areas, such as the WWF park, the South Milan Agricultural Park and the PLIS of the Basso Olona, which cover about 58% of the municipal territory. In recent years, the city has experienced a demographic explosion, thanks to the construction of new residential buildings in the former industrial area of Zust Ambrosetti, originally the Cotonificio Valle Ticino, and the proximity to Milan, reachable with the S5 line of the Milan suburban railway service.

Vanzago: history, art and nature in Lombardy.

The monuments and places of interest in Vanzago

The churches

The city boasts two churches of great historical and artistic value: the Parish Church of Saints Ippolito and Cassiano and the Chapel of Monasterolo.

The Parish Church of Saints Ippolito and Cassiano is an 18th century Neo-Classical-style building located in the main square of the town. The facade, in exposed brick, is characterized by a portico composed of four Ionic columns and two half-columns of Doric order. Inside the church, you can admire works of art of great value, such as the painting "Madonna del latte" by Giulio Cesare Procaccini and "San Giovanni Battista" by Giovanni Battista Crespi.

The Chapel of Monasterolo is located inside the Corte del Monasterolo, a structure built on the area that until the mid-15th century housed a monastery of nuns. The 18th century oratory is dedicated to the Immaculate Conception of Mary and was built between 1745 and 1748, at the initiative of Count Antonio Simonetta, the owner of the time. The chapel is rectangular in plan, with a single nave, decorated with small stucco friezes and 18th century moldings.


Here, then, is a brief tour of the city of Vanzago, a place where history blends with nature, giving life to a unique and charming environment. Thank you for following us on this brief exploration, see you soon in the city of Vanzago!

Elisa Lombardi
Updated Thursday, Dec 8, 2022