
Welcome to Maugeri!

Welcome to the beautiful hamlet of Maugeri, located in the metropolitan city of Catania. Here you can discover the history and places of interest of this small village on the southeast slopes of Mount Etna. Join us on this journey through the wonders of Maugeri.

History of Maugeri

Maugeri has a long history dating back to the Aci region. It was part of the "universitas" of the "territory of Jacii in contrada Sanctae Mariae Vallis Viridis". During the 19th century, Maugeri was included in the municipality of Aci Sant'Antonio.

But the most fascinating history of Maugeri involves Vincenzo Bellini. After the triumph of the opera Norma in Milan, the composer came to spend some time in the villa of his cousin, lawyer Pasquale Bellini. During his stay, Pasquale organized a reception in honor of the Catania musician, where Vincenzo played the melodies of Norma on the piano for relatives and friends. This moment is commemorated by a plaque placed next to the Villa Bellini's gate.

Discover Maugeri: history and places of interest on the slopes of Mount Etna.

Monuments and Places of Interest in Maugeri

If you are interested in religious architecture, don't miss the church of S. Maria delle Grazie, dating back to the 18th century and adorned with Baroque elements. In 1921, it was made a parish by Bishop Salvatore Bella.

Religious Events

The patronal festival is celebrated on the second Sunday of September, where you can taste typical Sicilian dishes and participate in the procession in honor of S. Maria delle Grazie.


Thank you for joining us on this journey to discover the history and places of interest of Maugeri. If you are nearby, don't hesitate to visit this beautiful hamlet and immerse yourself in its culture and tradition. To learn more, we invite you to visit the external links listed. See you soon from the entire staff!

Sofia Greco
Wrote by Sofia Greco
Updated Tuesday, May 24, 2022