
Welcome to Valmala: a friendly introduction to this beautiful municipality in Piedmont

Hello everyone, today we are here to talk about a unique and stunning municipality: Valmala. Located in the beautiful province of Cuneo, the area boasts more than twenty-four hamlets that spread out over the natural beauties of the Valle Varaita. Even though it is home to only 56 inhabitants, Valmala has a fascinating history that spans from prehistoric times to the Roman era, the Saracen invasions, and the feudal period.

The unique physical beauty of Valmala

Valmala is nestled amongst the mountains, Mount San Bernardo and Colle della Ciabra. The valley stretches out like a long snake right from the edge of the mountain. The territory of Valmala is characterized by dense forests, pine groves, and water sources and is crossed by the Rio Valmala, a tributary of the Varaita. The main road that runs through the entire valley connects with the SP251 of the Valle Varaita at the valley floor, close to the so-called "Ponte Valcurta" that connects the municipalities of Brossasco and Melle (Italy). Even though there is no actual town center named "Valmala", the hamlets that make up the area are all unique in their beauty and singularity.

Valmala: History and Beauty in the Varaita Valley

The fascinating history of Valmala

From the Bronze Age to the Early Middle Ages

Valmala has a history that spans every era and moment of the surrounding territory's life. In fact, what makes this municipality unique is the presence of multiple rock engravings dating back to the Bronze Age. The "Rocce Ré" locality is an archaeological park that contains over 35,000 unique Cup-marks that cover about 20,000 square meters of land.

From Saracen invasions to the year one thousand

In the 10th century, the surrounding area was invaded by the Saracens, and Valmala was one of their outposts. However, the invaders were definitively expelled in 970-973.

The feudal dispute between the Marchesato di Busca and the Marchesato di Saluzzo

The territory was contested between the Marchesato di Busca and the Marchesato di Saluzzo. In 1062, the toponym "Vallis Mallæ" appeared for the first time in an official act, formalizing the donation of the territory's possessions to the Abbey of Cavour.


Valmala offers its visitors the opportunity to immerse themselves in a fascinating history told by the rocks and engravings of the past. You can stay here, enjoying a unique and authentic atmosphere that only a municipality that has preserved its ancient but essential beauty can offer. Come and explore Valmala, and you will leave behind the deplorable resignation of everyday life to contemplate the pure beauty of nature and antiquity.

Irene Mariani
Wrote by Irene Mariani
Updated Friday, Dec 23, 2022