
Welcome to Valmadrera!

Hello everyone! Today I talk to you about Valmadrera, a municipality of 11438 inhabitants in the province of Lecco, in Lombardy. Our town is located on the shores of Lake Como, on the eastern shore, surrounded by mountains and part of the Eastern Lake Como - San Martino Valley mountain community.

Discovering the physical geography of Valmadrera

Valmadrera is located in a basin surrounded by the mountains of Monte Barro, Monte Rai, Corno Birone, Moregallo, and Corni di Canzo. Thanks to this privileged position, our municipality offers enchanting landscapes and a peaceful and relaxing environment.

Valmadrera: history, art and nature on Lake Como.

The history of Valmadrera

The history of Valmadrera dates back to the medieval era when it was part of the Garlate parish and the Milanese lordship territory. In 1296, our town hosted refugees from Lecco fleeing the devastation ordered by Matteo I Visconti. Over the centuries, Valmadrera underwent various vicissitudes but managed to maintain its independence and develop thanks to its strategic position on the way to the alpine passes.

Monuments and places of interest

Valmadrera is rich in monuments and places of interest, both religious and civil. One of the most important religious monuments is the Sanctuary of San Martino, also known as the Sanctuary of Madonna del Latte, dating back to the thirteenth century. The sanctuary was originally a military outpost, but then transformed into a place of worship and housed a parish church until the sixteenth century. Today, the sanctuary is a pilgrimage destination and contains the custody of an unexploded bomb dating back to World War II.

Another very suggestive sanctuary is that of San Tomaso, located in a high position compared to the town and reachable on foot with a 3 km long mule track. By testing your own resistance, you can enjoy a breathtaking panoramic view of Valmadrera and Lake Como.

The center of the town is dominated by the large parish church of Sant'Antonio Abate, built between 1791 and 1811 and restored starting from 2009. The bell tower, 87.5 meters high, is one of the tallest in Italy. Inside the church, you can admire works of art by Mosè Bianchi, Giuseppe Bertini, Raffaele Casnedi, and Giovanni Paolo Lomazzo. The church overlooks the wide Mons. B. Citterio square, which also includes a very large fountain.

Other important places of worship are the Chapel of Sant'Isidoro, built towards the end of the nineteenth century and located near the regional natural monument of Sasso di Preguda, the Church of San Rocco, already existing in the fifteenth century, the Church and Oratory of San Giuseppe, the Church of San Dionigi, the Church of the Blessed Virgin, and the Church of Santo Spirito.

Civil architecture

Valmadrera also has an important heritage of civil buildings. One of the most significant is the Fatebenefratelli Cultural Center, located east of the Sant'Antonio Abate church. This building was originally a convent and hosted the order of Fatebenefratelli. Today, the cultural center hosts concerts, exhibitions, conferences, and other cultural events.


In summary, Valmadrera is a town rich in history, monuments, churches, and breathtaking landscapes. Its strategic position on the shores of Lake Como and the surrounding mountains make it an ideal place to spend moments of relaxation, immerse yourself in nature, and discover the traditions and culture of our territory. We are waiting for you in Valmadrera, in our welcoming community!

Chiara Russo
Wrote by Chiara Russo
Updated Monday, Feb 28, 2022