
Valloriate: a small Piedmontese municipality

Hello everyone! Today I will talk about a small Piedmontese municipality called Valloriate, which has only 103 inhabitants and is located in the province of Cuneo.


The history of Valloriate is very ancient: it dates back to the pre-Roman period, when the area was inhabited by the Ligurians. Subsequently, the territory came under Roman control and then, during the Middle Ages, was part of the Marquisate of Saluzzo. In 1559, it was annexed to the Duchy of Savoy. Over the centuries, the village suffered many conflicts and destructions, but it always managed to recover thanks to the strength of its inhabitants.

Valloriate: history and life of a Piedmontese municipality.


Demographic evolution

The population of Valloriate has always been rather small. In 1861, the village had 288 inhabitants, but in the following years the number gradually decreased, until reaching the current number of 103 people.


The administration of Valloriate has been represented by various councils over the years. Below is a list of the administrations that have succeeded in the last decades:

Currently, the mayor of Valloriate is Silvano Tagliaferro.

Other administrative information

Valloriate is part of the Valle Stura Mountain Community, an organization that groups together the municipalities of the area to jointly tackle problems related to the mountains, such as geographic isolation, economic difficulties, and the risk of natural disasters such as avalanches.


In this section, notes and observations on the text are usually reported, but in this case, there is no particular information to be reported.

Other projects

Below are some useful links to discover more about Valloriate and its traditions:

I hope that this brief overview has helped you to get to know Valloriate and its history better. If you have the opportunity to visit it, be sure to discover the beauties of this enchanted village!

Irene Mariani
Wrote by Irene Mariani
Updated Sunday, Feb 19, 2023