
Discovering Vallinfreda

Hello friends, today we will talk about Vallinfreda, a small Italian municipality located in the metropolitan city of Rome Capitale, in Lazio. With its 288 inhabitants, this town is a precious gem of our beautiful Italy.

Physical geography

Vallinfreda: a gem among the mountains of Lazio.


The territory of Vallinfreda extends between 574 and 1,068 meters above sea level and the altimetric excursion is 494 meters. The presence of Mount Aguzzo, which reaches 1,063 m a.s.l., gives the landscape a special charm, offering a spectacular panoramic view.


The area of Vallinfreda enjoys a pleasant climate, classified as zone E according to the Italian climatic classification, with GR/G at 2920.


Vallinfreda has an ancient and interesting history. It was ruled by the Borghese family as a fief until the abolition of feudalism. In 1867 it was reached by Garibaldi's troops during the Agro Romano campaign for the liberation of Rome.


Demographic evolution

In recent years, the population of Vallinfreda has remained stable, with an average of 288 inhabitants.

Ethnicity and foreign minorities

Like most Italian cities, Vallinfreda welcomes many foreign populations that enrich its culture. As of December 31, 2010, the resident foreign population was 27 people, mainly of Romanian nationality (6.33%).


Other administrative information

Vallinfreda is part of the Aniene Mountain Community and has only one hamlet, Conifere.


This is just a brief look at Vallinfreda, but we hope to have made you know a little more about this enchanting Italian municipality. If you have the opportunity to visit it, you will discover the beauty of its landscape, its rich history, and the kindness of its people. Don't forget to stop and take a mountain walk to enjoy the view. Thank you for reading and see you soon!

Martina Moretti
Updated Wednesday, Aug 17, 2022